Scan date : 17/05/2024 11:43
DayHourType Event Name LangEvent nameShort EventExtended LangExtended Event
17/0500h00>00h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megpróbálja kibogozni Magnó sürgős üzenetét, de miért nem beszél érthető nyelven?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballRichard is left in charge for the day, but his lack of rules attracts unwanted guests to the Watterson house.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballRichard is left in charge for the day, but his lack of rules attracts unwanted guests to the Watterson house.
17/0500h15>00h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin csúfos kudarcot vall a házi moziklasszikus forgatásával.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin fail to make some instant homemade movie classics.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin fail to make some instant homemade movie classics.
17/0500h25>00h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin jó h+re forog kockán, és erre ők... magasról fütyülnek.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's reputation is challenged and they really couldn't care less...
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's reputation is challenged and they really couldn't care less...
17/0500h40>00h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball véletlenül feltölt egy videót saját magáról, aztán azt követeli az Internettől, hogy szedje le... Saját kezűleg!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball accidentally uploads a video of himself and wants it gone.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball accidentally uploads a video of himself and wants it gone.
17/0500h50>01h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Wattersonok előállnak egy bolondbiztos tervvel arra, hogyan mentsék meg anyát. De vajon Gumballbiztos az a terv?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Watterson kids come up with a fool-proof plan. 15 mins, (2013)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Watterson kids come up with a fool-proof plan. 15 mins, (2013)
17/0501h05>01h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaElmore csodálatos világa tele van élettelen tárgyakkal amelyek nem is olyan élettelenek mint szeretnénk./A Wattersonok döbbenten fedezik fel hogy korábbi tetteik következményekkel járnak.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe life of the background objects of Elmore are shown in a series of short skits.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe life of the background objects of Elmore are shown in a series of short skits.
17/0501h20>01h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaElmore csodálatos világa tele van élettelen tárgyakkal amelyek nem is olyan élettelenek mint szeretnénk./A Wattersonok döbbenten fedezik fel hogy korábbi tetteik következményekkel járnak.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are surprised to discover that their past actions have consequences. / Whilst Gumball and Darwin make fun of Mum and Dad for being old their voices start to break.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are surprised to discover that their past actions have consequences. / Whilst Gumball and Darwin make fun of Mum and Dad for being old their voices start to break.
17/0501h30>01h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin hangja mutálni kezd, de a felnőttségnek semmi jelét nem mutatják.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhilst Gumball and Darwin make fun of Mum and Dad for being old, their voices start to break.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhilst Gumball and Darwin make fun of Mum and Dad for being old, their voices start to break.
17/0501h45>01h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaSári aki új gyerek az iskolában Gumball és Darwin legnagyobb és kissé rögeszmés rajongója lesz.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballSarah, the new kid in school, is Gumball and Darwin's number one, slightly obsessive, fan.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballSarah, the new kid in school, is Gumball and Darwin's number one, slightly obsessive, fan.
17/0501h55>02h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAz Elmore-i Középiskola új tornatanára a sarkára áll Jamie-vel szemben. /Csimpilla tanárnő kénytelen megmenteni magát a ragályos boldogságvírustól, ami megfertőzi az egész iskolát.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballSarah the new kid in school is Gumball and Darwin's number one slightly obsessive fan. / The new coach at Elmore High stands up to Jamie.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballSarah the new kid in school is Gumball and Darwin's number one slightly obsessive fan. / The new coach at Elmore High stands up to Jamie.
17/0502h05>02h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA fiúk ráveszik Breki tanár urat, hogy legyen ketrecharcos, és lekötnek neki egy meccset egy ijesztő orosz vetélytárs ellen.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin discover that their teacher, Mr Corneille, has a secret life as a fighter.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin discover that their teacher, Mr Corneille, has a secret life as a fighter.
17/0502h15>02h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaVisszautazunk abba az időbe, amikor Anais újszülött kisbaba volt. Gumball és Darwin féltékenysége miatt kitör a babaháború.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons look back on Anais' first days in the Watterson house. Gumball and Darwin quickly find themselves up an opponent who is able to outsmart them at every turn.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons look back on Anais' first days in the Watterson house. Gumball and Darwin quickly find themselves up an opponent who is able to outsmart them at every turn.
17/0502h30>02h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is surprised by how upset he is when Tobias makes fun of him, tries to figure out why he feels Tobias doesn't have the right.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is surprised by how upset he is when Tobias makes fun of him, tries to figure out why he feels Tobias doesn't have the right.
17/0502h40>02h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin semmittevő vegetálással akarja tölteni a napot, de a végén meg kell menteniük a család többi tagját.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin have decided to do nothing for a whole day, but sometimes it's much harder to do nothing than something.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin have decided to do nothing for a whole day, but sometimes it's much harder to do nothing than something.
17/0502h50>03h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA gyerekek segíteni próbálnak apának, hogy rendezze a kapcsolatát Frankie-vel.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballCatch Gumball and Darwin as they embark on hilarious adventures! With funny pranks, friendship and laughter, there's never a dull moment in the world of the Wattersons!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballCatch Gumball and Darwin as they embark on hilarious adventures! With funny pranks, friendship and laughter, there's never a dull moment in the world of the Wattersons!
17/0503h00>03h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megpróbálja kideríteni idős szomszédjuk nevét, közben véletlenül leleplezik, hogy a tanúvédelmi programtól kapott új személyazonosságot.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to find out the name of their neighbour, Antlers Guy, but accidentally blow his witness protection cover.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to find out the name of their neighbour, Antlers Guy, but accidentally blow his witness protection cover.
17/0503h10>03h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaEgy gyerekcsoport az iskolában reked, miután a szüleik jótékonysági bált rendeztek. Gumballt választják vezetőjüknek, hogy kivezesse őket, de kitör a zűrzavar.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen the uncomfortableness between them reaches new levels Gumball and Hot Dog Guy decide they have to confront their ongoing awkwardness by making things as awkward as possible. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen the uncomfortableness between them reaches new levels Gumball and Hot Dog Guy decide they have to confront their ongoing awkwardness by making things as awkward as possible. Director: Mic Graves.
17/0503h25>03h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballClayton shapeshifts into people to take their detentions for money. He starts framing people for misdemeanors so GB and DW must track him down to stop him.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballClayton shapeshifts into people to take their detentions for money. He starts framing people for misdemeanors so GB and DW must track him down to stop him.
17/0503h35>03h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin megpróbál rámutatni a használati tárgyak sanyarú helyzetére. Úgy érzi, hogy Elmore szívtelen lakói elnyomják és kihasználják őket.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Pr Brown make a pact to tell each other's girlfriends about problems they have.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Pr Brown make a pact to tell each other's girlfriends about problems they have.
17/0503h45>03h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAlan elvesztette a hitét az emberiségben, emiatt a világ fekete-fehérré válik. Gumballnak le kell győznie Alan iránti utálatát, hogy egy dal segítségével visszahozza a színeket.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballElmore has been plunged into black and white and Gumball and Darwin have to figure out what's going on.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballElmore has been plunged into black and white and Gumball and Darwin have to figure out what's going on.
17/0503h55>04h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaEgy gyerekcsoport az iskolában reked, miután a szüleik jótékonysági bált rendeztek. Gumballt választják vezetőjüknek, hogy kivezesse őket, de kitör a zűrzavar.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballA group of kids get locked in the school after their parents have a charity gala. They appoint Gumball as leader to get them out but it leads to chaos.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballA group of kids get locked in the school after their parents have a charity gala. They appoint Gumball as leader to get them out but it leads to chaos.
17/0504h05>04h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaSári talál egy csodaboltból származó füzetet. A füzet varázsereje valóra váltja, amit Sári rajzol. Sajnos Sári bizarr szerelmi történeteket rajzol Elmore legkülönfélébb lakóiról.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballSarah finds a notebook from an awesome store!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballSarah finds a notebook from an awesome store!
17/0504h20>04h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA családnak nem szabad rosszat tennie nehogy Anaisnek baja essen attól hogy túl sokszor csap a homlokára.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais has been facepalming every time her family does something stupid, which has led to a serious medical condition.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais has been facepalming every time her family does something stupid, which has led to a serious medical condition.
17/0504h30>04h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin öt percig átveszi Larry munkáit és rájönnek, milyen rossz ez így.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball decides to put Mr. Small's eco-friendly principles to the test but it doesn't quite go as planned.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball decides to put Mr. Small's eco-friendly principles to the test but it doesn't quite go as planned.
17/0504h40>04h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megpróbálja kideríteni idős szomszédjuk nevét, közben véletlenül leleplezik, hogy a tanúvédelmi programtól kapott új személyazonosságot.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThings aren't going Gumball's way at school so he assumes there must be a Secret Society...
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThings aren't going Gumball's way at school so he assumes there must be a Secret Society...
17/0504h50>05h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballNicole and her parents have it out. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballNicole and her parents have it out. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
17/0505h00>05h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Nicole decides to pay the cable bill in person at Chanax, she leaves specific instructions for Richard to stay in the car. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Nicole decides to pay the cable bill in person at Chanax, she leaves specific instructions for Richard to stay in the car. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
17/0505h15>05h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin öt percig átveszi Larry munkáit és rájönnek, milyen rossz ez így.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin spend a day in Larry's shoes, doing all the menial jobs in Elmore.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin spend a day in Larry's shoes, doing all the menial jobs in Elmore.
17/0505h25>05h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA technika utoléri az emberi intelligenciát és működésképtelenné válik, mivel felszedi az emberi gyarlóságokat.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin argue with the Internet. / The kids find out Dad has been dressing as a woman. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin argue with the Internet. / The kids find out Dad has been dressing as a woman. Director: Mic Graves.
17/0505h35>05h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaHector nem szereti a méretét ezért a fiúk Mrs. Jotunheim varázsfőzeteivel próbálják összezsugorítani de minden balul sül el.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballHector is unhappy with his height, the kids try to use Mrs Jotunheims potions to shrink him but it goes terribly wrong.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballHector is unhappy with his height, the kids try to use Mrs Jotunheims potions to shrink him but it goes terribly wrong.
17/0505h45>06h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball decides it's time to play cupid. 180 mins, U (2011)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball decides it's time to play cupid. 180 mins, U (2011)
17/0506h00>06h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig mindenáron szeretné elkapni a nagypapája kertjében randalírozó szörnyeteget.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig is determined to catch the monster that has been wreaking havoc in Granddad's garden.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig is determined to catch the monster that has been wreaking havoc in Granddad's garden.
17/0506h10>06h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig, Kelsey és JP összetűzésbe keveredik néhány semmirekellő tini boszorkánnyal, akik megátkozzák őket! A csudába!
czeCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP run afoul of some no-good teenage witches and are cursed! Lousy teenagers!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP run afoul of some no-good teenage witches and are cursed! Lousy teenagers!
17/0506h25>06h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!After a cataclysmic accident, Batman and Gordon face off against Alfred to decide what to watch on the last tv in Wayne Manor.
czeTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
sloTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
17/0506h35>06h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Starfire is the captain of a spaceship heading back to her home planet of Tarmaran and her crew is some of Earth's finest specimens
czeTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
sloTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
17/0506h50>07h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A csapatnak meg kell mentenie a világot a betűkalipszistől, amit Robin egyetlen gombnyomással idézett elő.
czeTeen Titans Go!When Robin selects the last font on the list for his presentation, it sets off the typocalypse.
sloTeen Titans Go!When Robin selects the last font on the list for his presentation, it sets off the typocalypse.
17/0507h00>07h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok megpróbálják megmenteni a De La Soul zenéjét egy dühös, csápos szörnytől.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Brain teams up with The Lobe, so the Titans enlist the help of Freakazoid to stop them.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Brain teams up with The Lobe, so the Titans enlist the help of Freakazoid to stop them.
17/0507h20>07h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganDan, Mia és Griffin egy új Baku-gömb eredetét kutatja, közben azonban el kell kerülniük Chipet és járőreit. Hirtelen egy problémás Bakugannal szembesülnek.
czeBakuganDan, Mia and Griffin investigate a new Baku-Ball arrival to Earth but must evade Chip and his patrol unit.
sloBakuganDan, Mia and Griffin investigate a new Baku-Ball arrival to Earth but must evade Chip and his patrol unit.
17/0507h30>07h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganDan és Drago megismerkednek a párbajok titkos világával. Kage, a Sárkány-klán vezetője meghívja őket a klánba.
czeBakuganDan and Drago are introduced to the world of underground brawling and are invited to join the Dragon Clan by its leader, Kage.
sloBakuganDan and Drago are introduced to the world of underground brawling and are invited to join the Dragon Clan by its leader, Kage.
17/0507h45>08h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemÖcsi és Vagány partyt szerveznek, és meglepődnek azon, hogy milyen jól kijönnek egymással.Fülü és Édike először nem értenek egyet lakótársként.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityRivals Buster and Plucky decide to throw an epic pizza party and are shocked to find out they're actually getting along while Babs and Sweetie get into their first roommate disagreement.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityRivals Buster and Plucky decide to throw an epic pizza party and are shocked to find out they're actually getting along while Babs and Sweetie get into their first roommate disagreement.
17/0508h15>08h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin összebarátkozik az osztálytársukkal, Claytonnal, aki kényszeres hazudozó, ráadásul alakváltó!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin befriend Clayton, who is a compulsive liar and begins contaminating them with lies.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin befriend Clayton, who is a compulsive liar and begins contaminating them with lies.
17/0508h25>08h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Mikulás a városba érkezik. Sajnálatos módon a Wattersonok elgázolják az autójukkal, ezért nekik kell megmenteniük a karácsonyt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons run over Santa Claus and must save Christmas.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons run over Santa Claus and must save Christmas.
17/0508h35>08h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megtanulja, hogy kemény dióvisszaszerezni egy családi örökséget egy öregembertől.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin receive an heirloom from Richard but lose it. / Bobert loses a bet to Gumball so has to obey him for 24 hours.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin receive an heirloom from Richard but lose it. / Bobert loses a bet to Gumball so has to obey him for 24 hours.
17/0508h55>09h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Jabberjaw Ámor hatására mindenkibe és mindenbe beleszeret.
czeJellystone!Jabberjaw has an overactive cupid which makes her fall in love with everyone and everything.
sloJellystone!Jabberjaw has an overactive cupid which makes her fall in love with everyone and everything.
17/0509h05>09h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Mivel Turpi úrfi börtönben van, a bandájának nélküle kell véghezvinnie az évszázad átverését.
czeJellystone!With Top Cat in jail, his gang must pull off the scam of the century without him!
sloJellystone!With Top Cat in jail, his gang must pull off the scam of the century without him!
17/0509h20>09h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Jellystone versenybe száll a rivális várossal, New Bedrockkal.
czeJellystone!Jellystone goes head to head in a competition against their rival town, New Bedrock.
sloJellystone!Jellystone goes head to head in a competition against their rival town, New Bedrock.
17/0509h30>09h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Maci Laci és Bubu egy régi, elhagyatott vidámparkban lógnak a munkából, ahol néhány kotnyeles gyerek szörnyeknek nézi őket.
czeJellystone!Yogi and Boo Boo play hooky from work at an old, abandoned fun park where some meddling kids mistake them for monsters.
sloJellystone!Yogi and Boo Boo play hooky from work at an old, abandoned fun park where some meddling kids mistake them for monsters.
17/0509h50>10h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és barátai találnak egy titokzatos Mocsárvárost, ami segítséget nyújt nekik az Erdő Szíve utáni kutatásban.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends come upon a mysterious Moss Village, which could aid them in their quest for the Heart of the Forest.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends come upon a mysterious Moss Village, which could aid them in their quest for the Heart of the Forest.
17/0510h00>10h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokKarácsony előestéjén a Williams gyerekek kizárják magukat a házból és megkezdődik a lázas keresés a tartalékkulcs után.
czeCraig of the CreekOn the eve of a big holiday party, the Williams kids are locked out of the house, leading to a frantic search all over town for a spare key.
sloCraig of the CreekOn the eve of a big holiday party, the Williams kids are locked out of the house, leading to a frantic search all over town for a spare key.
17/0510h10>10h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig searches for more clues to aid his quest for the Heart of the Forest.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig searches for more clues to aid his quest for the Heart of the Forest.
17/0510h25>10h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig egy tehetségkutató műsort rendez, hogy segítsen az erdei napközin.
czeCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
sloCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
17/0510h35>10h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Fordított Nap az ellenkezője annak, amire senki nem számított.
czeCraig of the CreekOpposite Day turns out to be the opposite of what nobody didn't think it wouldn't be.
sloCraig of the CreekOpposite Day turns out to be the opposite of what nobody didn't think it wouldn't be.
17/0510h55>11h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraiget megbízzák egy évfordulós ajándék őrzésével, de azonnal elveszíti az erdőben.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig is entrusted with a special anniversary gift for his mom, and immediately loses it in the Creek.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig is entrusted with a special anniversary gift for his mom, and immediately loses it in the Creek.
17/0511h05>11h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
sloCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
17/0511h20>11h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!After a cataclysmic accident, Batman and Gordon face off against Alfred to decide what to watch on the last tv in Wayne Manor.
czeTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
sloTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
17/0511h30>11h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Starfire is the captain of a spaceship heading back to her home planet of Tarmaran and her crew is some of Earth's finest specimens
czeTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
sloTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
17/0511h45>11h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Cyborg 80-as évekbeli sorozatokat akar nézni egész nap, de eltűnik a távirányító.
czeTeen Titans Go!Cyborg wants to have an 80s TV show marathon, but the remote is missing.
sloTeen Titans Go!Cyborg wants to have an 80s TV show marathon, but the remote is missing.
17/0511h55>12h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Robin tréningcélokra létrehoz egy virtuális valóság szobát így a titánok mindegyike elmélyedhet saját videojátékos kalandjában.
czeTeen Titans Go!Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime? 15 mins, U (2013) (CC)
sloTeen Titans Go!Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime? 15 mins, U (2013) (CC)
17/0512h10>12h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Raven Rose Wilsonnal egy menő szökött bűnözővel lóg együtt a többiek pedig úgy érzik kimaradnak valamiből.
czeTeen Titans Go!Rose Wilson escapes from prison, defeating the Titans with cool one liners. Only Raven is immune to Rose's insults, and the two decide to hang out and do cool stuff together.
sloTeen Titans Go!Rose Wilson escapes from prison, defeating the Titans with cool one liners. Only Raven is immune to Rose's insults, and the two decide to hang out and do cool stuff together.
17/0512h20>12h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Robin focizni tanítja a titánokat. Hamarosan a sportág megszállottjává válnak és véletlenül megfejtik miért is ilyen népszerű ez a sport.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans learn about the magic of soccer. / Gizmo convinces the Titans he's kidnapped Cyborg when in reality Cyborg's just hanging out in the HIVE tower with his girl Jinx.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans learn about the magic of soccer. / Gizmo convinces the Titans he's kidnapped Cyborg when in reality Cyborg's just hanging out in the HIVE tower with his girl Jinx.
17/0512h35>12h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10When Max enters a pancake eating contest at the famous Pancake Palace, Ben finds the Bugg Bros. and must stop them before they obtain an endless supply of Pancake Palace pancakes.
sloBen 10When Max enters a pancake eating contest at the famous Pancake Palace, Ben finds the Bugg Bros. and must stop them before they obtain an endless supply of Pancake Palace pancakes.
17/0512h45>13h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10During a routine trip to the DMV, Max takes a driving test to renew his license, but a disguised Zombozo hijacks the role of instructor.
sloBen 10During a routine trip to the DMV, Max takes a driving test to renew his license, but a disguised Zombozo hijacks the role of instructor.
17/0513h05>13h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10As Team Tennyson leaves the Frozen Man Festival, Lord Decibel takes center stage to threaten the festival-goers, creating an avalanche if his ransom isn't paid.
sloBen 10As Team Tennyson leaves the Frozen Man Festival, Lord Decibel takes center stage to threaten the festival-goers, creating an avalanche if his ransom isn't paid.
17/0513h15>13h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben and Gwen spend the day volunteering at Repto Ranch and come face to face with King Koil, but need to overcome their fear of snakes if they are to defeat the slithery baddie.
sloBen 10Ben and Gwen spend the day volunteering at Repto Ranch and come face to face with King Koil, but need to overcome their fear of snakes if they are to defeat the slithery baddie.
17/0513h30>13h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball mágikus ezüstpapír-sisakja kis híján szétszakítja a Watterson családot./ Anais meg van győződve arról hogy Tina Rex bántja Gumballt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball's magic tinfoil helmet threatens to tear the Watterson family apart! 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball's magic tinfoil helmet threatens to tear the Watterson family apart! 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
17/0513h40>14h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnais meg van győződve arról, hogy Tina Rex bántja Gumballt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais is convinced that Gumball is being bullied by Tina Rex. 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais is convinced that Gumball is being bullied by Tina Rex. 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
17/0514h05>14h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és barátai rendkívüli szünetre vágynak, ezért a legbefolyásosabb emberekhez folyamodnak: a boszorkányokhoz.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig returns to the Creek after the long Winter Break only to find an empty wasteland and danger lurking in the snow.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig returns to the Creek after the long Winter Break only to find an empty wasteland and danger lurking in the snow.
17/0514h15>14h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokMivel a hideg elől bemenkülnek a házba, Craig és barátai jót játszanak ebédig.
czeCraig of the CreekWhile taking refuge from the chilly Creek, Craig and his friends decide to hangout at his house until lunch time!
sloCraig of the CreekWhile taking refuge from the chilly Creek, Craig and his friends decide to hangout at his house until lunch time!
17/0514h30>14h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig, Kelsey és JP szerencsét próbálnak és először vesznek részt az Erdei Téli Olimpián.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP try their luck at winning Gold in their first ever, Winter Creeklympics! / Craig and his friends create their own neighborhood in the snow!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP try their luck at winning Gold in their first ever, Winter Creeklympics! / Craig and his friends create their own neighborhood in the snow!
17/0514h40>14h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP try their luck at winning Gold in their first ever, Winter Creeklympics! / Craig and his friends create their own neighborhood in the snow!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP try their luck at winning Gold in their first ever, Winter Creeklympics! / Craig and his friends create their own neighborhood in the snow!
17/0514h55>15h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemFülü rájön, hogy a Gügye Egyetem újságja megszűnt, ezért új folyóiratot indít Édikével. Vagány azonban egy pletykalappal beszáll a versenybe.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBabs realizes Acme Loo's school paper has closed so she starts a new one with her pal Sweetie. But when Plucky starts a gossipy tabloid to compete against them, which paper will come out on top?
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBabs realizes Acme Loo's school paper has closed so she starts a new one with her pal Sweetie. But when Plucky starts a gossipy tabloid to compete against them, which paper will come out on top?
17/0515h15>15h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputLamput and Specs find themselves on an island. Spec learns a harsh lesson on listening. Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
sloLamputLamput and Specs find themselves on an island. Spec learns a harsh lesson on listening. Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
17/0515h25>15h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Látván, hogy milyen előnyökkel jár kapitánynak lenni, Szörnyi magának követeli a pozíciót.
czeTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
sloTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
17/0515h35>15h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Egy rosszul sikerült teleportálási kísérlet miatt a csapat elveszti a teste felső részét.
czeTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
sloTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
17/0515h55>16h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Gézengúz véletlenül megsemmisíti Raven varázskönyvét, amikor varázsemberré próbál válni, ezért szerezniük kell egy újat.
czeTeen Titans Go!In a quest to become a magic man, Beast Boy accidentally destroys Raven's spell book, so they must go find another one.
sloTeen Titans Go!In a quest to become a magic man, Beast Boy accidentally destroys Raven's spell book, so they must go find another one.
17/0516h05>16h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Szuperhősfelügyelő Bizottság új öltözködési szabályzatot vezet be, a Titánok pedig kitalálják a "laza kedd"-et.
czeTeen Titans Go!Animated series based on the DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans. The Superhero Board of Authority institutes a dress code which leads the Titans to introduce Casual Tuesday.
sloTeen Titans Go!Animated series based on the DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans. The Superhero Board of Authority institutes a dress code which leads the Titans to introduce Casual Tuesday.
17/0516h20>16h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Bubu és Benny rájönnek, hogy mennyi közös van bennük, barátok lesznek. Maci Laci egyedül marad.
czeJellystone!After Boo Boo and Benny discover they have a ton in common and become friends, Yogi starts to miss his best buddy. PG
sloJellystone!After Boo Boo and Benny discover they have a ton in common and become friends, Yogi starts to miss his best buddy. PG
17/0516h30>16h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Amikor a városlakók ajtaja elől eltünedeznek a csomagok, megbízzák Szimatot és Fecsit, hogy kapják el a tolvajt. A gyerekek rájönnek, Hápi a tettes.
czeJellystone!When packages begin disappearing, discount detectives Snooper and Blabber are called in to help find the culprit! PG
sloJellystone!When packages begin disappearing, discount detectives Snooper and Blabber are called in to help find the culprit! PG
17/0516h45>16h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Főmacska és bandája arra játszanak, hogy letartóztassák őket és egy menő börtönbe kerüljenek.
czeJellystone!Hoping to land in a swanky, high-end jail, Top Cat's gang try their best to get arrested.
sloJellystone!Hoping to land in a swanky, high-end jail, Top Cat's gang try their best to get arrested.
17/0516h55>17h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Belekutty, Hápi és Shag segít Petinek kivinni a csomagokat, de óriási baj történik.
czeJellystone!When everyone in town becomes a superhero, El Kabong begins to wonder if he's needed anymore. / Augie, Yakky, and Shag help Peter on a delivery run in his airship - but everything goes wrong!
sloJellystone!When everyone in town becomes a superhero, El Kabong begins to wonder if he's needed anymore. / Augie, Yakky, and Shag help Peter on a delivery run in his airship - but everything goes wrong!
17/0517h05>17h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunA daliás Ivandoe herceg kalandjaiIvandoe megismerkedik egy öntelt hattyúherceggel. Hűséges apródjaik segítségével a két herceg összecsap. Ivandoe uralkodói csatakiáltásának nem várt eredménye lesz.
czeThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe ShortsIvandoe is the young prince of the forest. One day he will succeed his father, The Mighty Stag, and rule as king. But that day is a long way off...
sloThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe ShortsIvandoe is the young prince of the forest. One day he will succeed his father, The Mighty Stag, and rule as king. But that day is a long way off...
17/0517h15>17h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball igyekszik megtanítani Darwint a deszkázás rejtelmeire.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball kind of teaches Darwin how to be a skater / Darwin finds it harder than expected to give up his favourite foodstuff.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball kind of teaches Darwin how to be a skater / Darwin finds it harder than expected to give up his favourite foodstuff.
17/0517h25>17h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaElmore városa egy énekes-táncos vegyes előadássá vált. Mindenkinek van egy dala, de tényleg muszáj mindenkit meghallgatni?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball kind of teaches Darwin how to be a skater / Darwin finds it harder than expected to give up his favourite foodstuff.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball kind of teaches Darwin how to be a skater / Darwin finds it harder than expected to give up his favourite foodstuff.
17/0517h45>17h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig telefonja fenn akad az óriás szikomorfán, amelyik a legmagasabb fa az erdőben.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig's phone gets stuck in the tallest tree in the creek!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig's phone gets stuck in the tallest tree in the creek!
17/0517h55>18h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokJP kalandos utazára viszi barátait, hogy megtalálják az erdő legnagyobb rákját.
czeCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
sloCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
17/0518h05>18h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA barátok találkoznak egy titokzatos fiúval a jövőből és segítenek neki teljesíteni a küldetését.
czeCraig of the CreekThe gang come across a mysterious kid from the future and try to help him finish his mission.
sloCraig of the CreekThe gang come across a mysterious kid from the future and try to help him finish his mission.
17/0518h20>18h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokMivel Craignek elege van abból, hogy mindig apja nyer a videójátékban, ezért edzőt keres az erdőben.
czeCraig of the CreekTired of losing video games to his father, Craig goes to the Creek in search of training.
sloCraig of the CreekTired of losing video games to his father, Craig goes to the Creek in search of training.
17/0518h30>18h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokEgy autóverseny igen értékes főnyereménnyel lehet, hogy túl sok Craignek és barátainak?
czeCraig of the CreekA high-speed race with a high-stakes prize may be too much for Craig and his friends.
sloCraig of the CreekA high-speed race with a high-stakes prize may be too much for Craig and his friends.
17/0518h50>19h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Team Tennyson checks out a Samurai Museum in Tokyo. Actors: Tara Strong, Montse Hernandez, David Kaye, John DiMaggio, Roger Craig Smith, Josh Keaton. Director: Colin Heck. 15 mins, U (2016) (CC)
sloBen 10Team Tennyson checks out a Samurai Museum in Tokyo. Actors: Tara Strong, Montse Hernandez, David Kaye, John DiMaggio, Roger Craig Smith, Josh Keaton. Director: Colin Heck. 15 mins, U (2016) (CC)
17/0519h00>19h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10During a tour of the Japanese Robotics Museum, Ben finds hero-gone-wrong Tim Buktu "trying to save" Tokyo from a Dragon, but has Tim finally turned over a new leaf?
sloBen 10During a tour of the Japanese Robotics Museum, Ben finds hero-gone-wrong Tim Buktu "trying to save" Tokyo from a Dragon, but has Tim finally turned over a new leaf?
17/0519h10>19h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10While on holidays with his Grandpa Max and Cousin Gwen, Ben discovers an alien watch - the Omnitrix.
sloBen 10While on holidays with his Grandpa Max and Cousin Gwen, Ben discovers an alien watch - the Omnitrix.
17/0519h25>19h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemFülü rájön, hogy a Gügye Egyetem újságja megszűnt, ezért új folyóiratot indít Édikével. Vagány azonban egy pletykalappal beszáll a versenybe.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBabs realizes Acme Loo's school paper has closed so she starts a new one with her pal Sweetie. But when Plucky starts a gossipy tabloid to compete against them, which paper will come out on top?
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBabs realizes Acme Loo's school paper has closed so she starts a new one with her pal Sweetie. But when Plucky starts a gossipy tabloid to compete against them, which paper will come out on top?
17/0519h45>20h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputLamput and Specs find themselves on an island. Spec learns a harsh lesson on listening. Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
sloLamputLamput and Specs find themselves on an island. Spec learns a harsh lesson on listening. Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
17/0520h00>20h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Látván, hogy milyen előnyökkel jár kapitánynak lenni, Szörnyi magának követeli a pozíciót.
czeTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
sloTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
17/0520h10>20h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Egy rosszul sikerült teleportálási kísérlet miatt a csapat elveszti a teste felső részét.
czeTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
sloTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
17/0520h20>20h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok kiengednek egy mályvacukor-kacsát, amit a Húsvéti Nyuszi zárt be, de fogalmuk sincs, hogy milyen veszélyes.
czeTeen Titans Go!Check out the best Easter crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Luke Cormican,.
sloTeen Titans Go!Check out the best Easter crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Luke Cormican,.
17/0520h35>20h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganDan és Mia között vita robban ki, amikor kiderül, hogy Mia titkolja Bakugan kötődését a szülei között, és Mia megtudja, hogy Dan a Sárkány-klánnál járt.
czeBakuganA conflict develops when Dan discovers that Mia conceals her brawling identity from her parents.
sloBakuganA conflict develops when Dan discovers that Mia conceals her brawling identity from her parents.
17/0520h40>21h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganA Kívülállók nevében Dan kihívja a Rovar-klánt, hogy beléphessenek a titkos ligába.
czeBakuganOn behalf of his newly formed clan of "misfits," Dan challenges the Insect Clan to a one-shot opportunity to "brawl-in" to join the underground league.
sloBakuganOn behalf of his newly formed clan of "misfits," Dan challenges the Insect Clan to a one-shot opportunity to "brawl-in" to join the underground league.
17/0521h00>21h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball úgy gondolja, hogy Teri túlságosan fél a kórokozóktól. Egy vírus azonban a nyomában van és bosszúért liheg.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball thinks Teri is way too scared of germs.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball thinks Teri is way too scared of germs.
17/0521h10>21h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin hazafelé száguld, hogy Anais-szel foglalkozzanak, de útjukat állja minden lehetséges akadály... Sőt, néhány lehetetlen is.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin rent a film called "A Pony's Tail" to watch with Anais, but keep getting distracted on their way home.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin rent a film called "A Pony's Tail" to watch with Anais, but keep getting distracted on their way home.
17/0521h25>21h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaSzerelem árad a levegőben és Gumball egy érzelmi hurrikán kellős közepébe kerül: szó szerint!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball destroys Alan and Carmen's relationship and has to reunite them. / Darwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball destroys Alan and Carmen's relationship and has to reunite them. / Darwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
17/0521h35>21h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball azzal vádolja Darwint, hogy álmában megcsókolta Pennyt, így a helyzet azzal fenyeget, hogy megszakad a barátságuk. Az álom okozta problémát csak egy álomvilágban lehet megoldani.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
17/0521h55>22h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaEgy küldetés során, amikor egy kölcsönadott videojátékot szereznek vissza, Darwin arra kezd gyanakodni, hogy csapdába került: örökre másodhegedűs marad Gumball mellett.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to get a game back from Tobias, but Darwin starts to feel like a sidekick to Gumball and refuses to follow his orders.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to get a game back from Tobias, but Darwin starts to feel like a sidekick to Gumball and refuses to follow his orders.
17/0522h05>22h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin feltett szándéka bebizonyítani apának, hogy ő egy hős. Kerül, amibe kerül!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballRichard overhears Gumball and Darwin making fun of him, which hurts his feelings and he has to regain his reputation as a hero.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballRichard overhears Gumball and Darwin making fun of him, which hurts his feelings and he has to regain his reputation as a hero.
17/0522h20>22h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaMa van az iskolai fotózás és Gumball kénytelen du. 3-ig gondoskodni magának egy jó fényképről - különben örökre vége a nimbuszának.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball tries to look good in the school photo. / Gumball and Darwin get caught in the middle of a trash can war between Richard and Mr. Robinson.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball tries to look good in the school photo. / Gumball and Darwin get caught in the middle of a trash can war between Richard and Mr. Robinson.
17/0522h30>22h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin belekeveredik apa és Robinson úr viszályába a kuka körül.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball tries to look good in the school photo. / Gumball and Darwin get caught in the middle of a trash can war between Richard and Mr. Robinson.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball tries to look good in the school photo. / Gumball and Darwin get caught in the middle of a trash can war between Richard and Mr. Robinson.
17/0522h45>22h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin büntetésbe kerül. Gyorsan rájönnek, hogy ez inkább börtön, mint iskola. Márpedig egy börtönben csak egy dolgot lehet tenni: MEGSZÖKNI!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin cheat on their maths test, get detention and have to escape.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin cheat on their maths test, get detention and have to escape.
17/0522h55>23h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Wattersonok először vállalkoznak egy családi "Kibúvó vagy kihívás" játékra. Ám hamarosan rájönnek, miért hagyta ott Gumball és Darwin a szörnyet, amit ők maguk hoztak létre.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons must survive a bizarre game of Dodj or Daar through to the end.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons must survive a bizarre game of Dodj or Daar through to the end.
17/0523h10>23h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Watterson család szembetalálja magát anya haragjával a szupermarketben.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballNicole gets upset with the family at the supermarket when her kids want chocolate, but she says no.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballNicole gets upset with the family at the supermarket when her kids want chocolate, but she says no.
17/0523h25>23h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin megígérte, hogy együtt fog videojátékozni Gumball-lal, de előáll egy Banán Joe-forma probléma...
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin has promised to play video games with Gumball, but his promise with Banana Joe interferes.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin has promised to play video games with Gumball, but his promise with Banana Joe interferes.
17/0523h40>23h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Gumball és Darwin kap egy fenyegető emailt, mindenki gyanússá válik: még ők maguk is!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin must apologise to everyone they know after getting a threatening message on Elmore Plus.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin must apologise to everyone they know after getting a threatening message on Elmore Plus.
17/0523h50>00h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megpróbálja kibogozni Magnó sürgős üzenetét, de miért nem beszél érthető nyelven?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to understand Juke's urgent beatbox message.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to understand Juke's urgent beatbox message.
18/0500h00>00h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnyák Napja van és a gyerekek egy tesztsorozatnak teszik ki az anyákat, hogy eldöntsék, ki a legjobb anya a világon./Gumball és Darwin döbbenten fedezi fel, hogy Anais apa kedvenc gyereke.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais, the cute pink bunny with a massive brain! Here are her best episodes!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais, the cute pink bunny with a massive brain! Here are her best episodes!
18/0500h15>00h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin rendkívüli lépéseket tesz hogy ne kelljen kivinniük a szemetet. /Gumball akaratlanul felrepeszti Penny burkát és rájön hogy valójában ki rejtőzik a belsejében...
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are offended when Mom calls them "procrastinators", once she's told them what it means.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are offended when Mom calls them "procrastinators", once she's told them what it means.
18/0500h25>00h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin rendkívüli lépéseket tesz hogy ne kelljen kivinniük a szemetet. /Gumball akaratlanul felrepeszti Penny burkát és rájön hogy valójában ki rejtőzik a belsejében...
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhile performing a school play, Gumball is so nervous about kissing Penny that he accidentally head-butts her and cracks open her shell.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhile performing a school play, Gumball is so nervous about kissing Penny that he accidentally head-butts her and cracks open her shell.
18/0500h40>00h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Gumball nem hajlandó továbbítani egy ijesztő emailt, az átok túlságosan valódinak bizonyul.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball receives a scare-email from a freaky ghost and decides to ignore it, despite Darwin's advice.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball receives a scare-email from a freaky ghost and decides to ignore it, despite Darwin's advice.
18/0500h50>01h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin azt a megbízatást kapja, hogy vigyázzanak az iskola szerencsétlen hörcsögére.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballVice Principal Brown gives Gumball and Darwin the ancient school hamster, Chris Morris, to look after for the weekend.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballVice Principal Brown gives Gumball and Darwin the ancient school hamster, Chris Morris, to look after for the weekend.
18/0501h05>01h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin féltékenykedni kezd Gumball és Penny kapcsolatára. /Itt van Jojo nagyi születésnapja és a nagyi váratlan vendéget hoz vacsorára.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Darwin and Gumball reveal how they'd spend their perfect day, Gumball confesses that he would spend it with Penny.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Darwin and Gumball reveal how they'd spend their perfect day, Gumball confesses that he would spend it with Penny.
18/0501h20>01h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin féltékenykedni kezd Gumball és Penny kapcsolatára. /Itt van Jojo nagyi születésnapja és a nagyi váratlan vendéget hoz vacsorára.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGranny Jojo has brought a boyfriend to her birthday meal and Dad isn't happy about it.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGranny Jojo has brought a boyfriend to her birthday meal and Dad isn't happy about it.
18/0501h30>01h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Wattersonoknak rossz napjuk van, de kisül, hogy Larrynek is, és ez a nap hamarosan még rosszabb lesz... Mindenkinek!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons complain about their day and order a pizza from Larry... 15 mins, (2014)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons complain about their day and order a pizza from Larry... 15 mins, (2014)
18/0501h45>01h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Anais kitalál egy új ünnepet, hogy legyőzzék a januári depressziót.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe citizens of Elmore are feeling down because it's January, so Gumball and Anais invent a new holiday called Sluzzle Tag.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe citizens of Elmore are feeling down because it's January, so Gumball and Anais invent a new holiday called Sluzzle Tag.
18/0501h55>02h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball megismerkedik a pillangóeffektus igazi értelmével.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballIn Biology class, Gumball and Darwin are waiting for a butterfly to emerge from its chrysalis.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballIn Biology class, Gumball and Darwin are waiting for a butterfly to emerge from its chrysalis.
18/0502h05>02h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaHector nem szereti a méretét, ezért a fiúk Mrs. Jotunheim varázsfőzeteivel próbálják összezsugorítani, de minden balul sül el.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballPenny's decided to come out of her shell. / Channel 6 Elmore News has all the top local stories. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballPenny's decided to come out of her shell. / Channel 6 Elmore News has all the top local stories. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0502h15>02h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin zöldebb próbál lenni, aminek következtében az iskolát elárasztja a zöldség.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballPenny's decided to come out of her shell. / Channel 6 Elmore News has all the top local stories. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballPenny's decided to come out of her shell. / Channel 6 Elmore News has all the top local stories. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0502h30>02h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are forced to rent their house to a pair of elderly fainting goats. / Dad misses a package and is forced into an escalating feud with the delivery guy. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are forced to rent their house to a pair of elderly fainting goats. / Dad misses a package and is forced into an escalating feud with the delivery guy. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0502h40>02h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin semmittevő vegetálással akarja tölteni a napot, de a végén meg kell menteniük a család többi tagját.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are forced to rent their house to a pair of elderly fainting goats. / Dad misses a package and is forced into an escalating feud with the delivery guy. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are forced to rent their house to a pair of elderly fainting goats. / Dad misses a package and is forced into an escalating feud with the delivery guy. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0502h50>03h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaMindenki szentül hiszi, hogy Darwin és Carrie kapcsolata reménytelen. Vagyis mindenki, kivéve Darwint és Carrie-t. Feltűnik Carrie volt barátja.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballEveryone assumes Darwin and Carrie's relationship is doomed. / The Wattersons play a fantasy role-playing board game to resolve their differences. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballEveryone assumes Darwin and Carrie's relationship is doomed. / The Wattersons play a fantasy role-playing board game to resolve their differences. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0503h00>03h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnaist és Jamie-t, az iskola rémét közös technikai vétséggel vádolják. Kénytelenek összefogni, hogy kinyomozzák a valódi tettest.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais and psycho Jamie are accused of the same crime. 15 mins, U (2011)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais and psycho Jamie are accused of the same crime. 15 mins, U (2011)
18/0503h10>03h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDad decides to resolve the Watterson family's differences. 15 mins, U (2011)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDad decides to resolve the Watterson family's differences. 15 mins, U (2011)
18/0503h25>03h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Gumball és Darwin kifogy a szavakból, attól tartanak, hogy véget ér a barátságuk. Mindent megpróbálnak, hogy tovább tudják fűzni a szót.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe kids find out Dad has been dressing as a woman.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe kids find out Dad has been dressing as a woman.
18/0503h35>03h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball, Darwin és Banán Joe nyomozni kezd Banán Barbara titokzatos eltűnésének ügyében, és leleplezik, hogy egy régi ellenlábasuk ármánykodása áll az ügy hátterében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball, Darwin and Banana Joe investigate Banana Barbara's mysterious disappearance and uncover an old rival's shadowy scheme in the process. 15 mins, U (2011)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball, Darwin and Banana Joe investigate Banana Barbara's mysterious disappearance and uncover an old rival's shadowy scheme in the process. 15 mins, U (2011)
18/0503h45>03h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin ráébred, Elmore felnőtt lakói veszélyesen tájékozatlanok. A legegyszerűbb feladatokban is égető szükségük van a fiúk segítségére.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin asks Gumball to teach him how to skate. / Gumball and Darwin follow Nicole to the Rainbow Factory. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin asks Gumball to teach him how to skate. / Gumball and Darwin follow Nicole to the Rainbow Factory. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0503h55>04h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball Darwin és Banán Joe nyomozni kezd Banán Barbara titokzatos eltűnésének ügyében és leleplezik hogy egy régi ellenlábasuk ármánykodása áll az ügy hátterében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin asks Gumball to teach him how to skate. / Gumball and Darwin follow Nicole to the Rainbow Factory. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin asks Gumball to teach him how to skate. / Gumball and Darwin follow Nicole to the Rainbow Factory. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0504h05>04h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Hot Dog felfedezi, miért érzik olyan kínosan magukat egymás közelében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe kids find out Dad has been dressing as a woman.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe kids find out Dad has been dressing as a woman.
18/0504h20>04h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball Darwin és Banán Joe nyomozni kezd Banán Barbara titokzatos eltűnésének ügyében és leleplezik hogy egy régi ellenlábasuk ármánykodása áll az ügy hátterében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin feels bad for the household objects in Elmore and encourages them to rise up. / The boys manage to lose Polly in the blink of an eye. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin feels bad for the household objects in Elmore and encourages them to rise up. / The boys manage to lose Polly in the blink of an eye. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0504h30>04h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaVisszautazunk abba az időbe, amikor Anais újszülött kisbaba volt. Gumball és Darwin féltékenysége miatt kitör a babaháború.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballNicole has decided it's time to throw out the family's refrigerator.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballNicole has decided it's time to throw out the family's refrigerator.
18/0504h40>04h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballMr. Robinson accidentally lets his feelings slip. 15 mins, U (2011)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballMr. Robinson accidentally lets his feelings slip. 15 mins, U (2011)
18/0504h50>05h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballHalloween isn't what it used to be. Can Gumball and Darwin help the ghouls get their "scare" back?
sloThe Amazing World of GumballHalloween isn't what it used to be. Can Gumball and Darwin help the ghouls get their "scare" back?
18/0505h00>05h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball, Darwin és Banán Joe nyomozni kezd Banán Barbara titokzatos eltűnésének ügyében, és leleplezik, hogy egy régi ellenlábasuk ármánykodása áll az ügy hátterében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball's old BFF Fuzzy turns up on his doorstep. Darwin struggles to accept that there was someone before him and fails to contain his jealousy.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball's old BFF Fuzzy turns up on his doorstep. Darwin struggles to accept that there was someone before him and fails to contain his jealousy.
18/0505h15>05h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA fiúk ráveszik Breki tanár urat hogy legyen ketrecharcos és lekötnek neki egy meccset egy ijesztő orosz vetélytárs ellen.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballOn a top secret school assignment Gumball acts like a certain suave British secret agent. / Darwin has finally had enough of Gumball's advice and seeks a new mentor. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballOn a top secret school assignment Gumball acts like a certain suave British secret agent. / Darwin has finally had enough of Gumball's advice and seeks a new mentor. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0505h25>05h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Darwin életében minden tönkremegy, arra kezd gyanakodni, hogy Gumball rossz hatása a ludas. Úgy dönt, hogy mástól kér tanácsot.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballOn a top secret school assignment Gumball acts like a certain suave British secret agent. / Darwin has finally had enough of Gumball's advice and seeks a new mentor. Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballOn a top secret school assignment Gumball acts like a certain suave British secret agent. / Darwin has finally had enough of Gumball's advice and seeks a new mentor. Director: Mic Graves.
18/0505h35>05h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaClayton felveszi mások alakját, hogy leülje helyettük a büntetésüket, persze nem ingyen. Alakváltásaival másokat kever bajba a viselt dolgaiért.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin realize that the adult residents of Elmore are dangerously naive when it comes to being safe online.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin realize that the adult residents of Elmore are dangerously naive when it comes to being safe online.
18/0505h45>06h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe students find their world turned upside down. / It's Halloween in Elmore.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe students find their world turned upside down. / It's Halloween in Elmore.
18/0506h00>06h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA gyerekek találkoznak egy fura kartonimádóval, aki elhívja Craiget, hogy segítsen befejezni a művét.
czeCraig of the CreekThe kids meet an eccentric Cardboard Creator that invites Craig to help finish his masterpiece.
sloCraig of the CreekThe kids meet an eccentric Cardboard Creator that invites Craig to help finish his masterpiece.
18/0506h10>06h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokMivel Craig képtelen dönteni, elhatározza, hogy átadja a döntést egy Fred nevű kutyának.
czeCraig of the CreekUnable to make tough decisions, Craig decides to put his choices in the hands of a dog named Fred.
sloCraig of the CreekUnable to make tough decisions, Craig decides to put his choices in the hands of a dog named Fred.
18/0506h25>06h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Az Agy a Warner Brothers animációs stúdiójában kiengedi Lebenyt, egy '90-es évekbeli szupergonoszt. Valami ördögi dologra készülnek.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Brain teams up with The Lobe, so the Titans enlist the help of Freakazoid to stop them. / The Brain teams up with The Lobe, so the Titans enlist the help of Freakazoid to stop them.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Brain teams up with The Lobe, so the Titans enlist the help of Freakazoid to stop them. / The Brain teams up with The Lobe, so the Titans enlist the help of Freakazoid to stop them.
18/0506h35>06h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok kiengednek egy mályvacukor-kacsát, amit a Húsvéti Nyuszi zárt be, de fogalmuk sincs, hogy milyen veszélyes.
czeTeen Titans Go!Check out the best Easter crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Luke Cormican,.
sloTeen Titans Go!Check out the best Easter crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Luke Cormican,.
18/0506h50>07h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok aggódnak, amikor megtudják, hogy Csillagfény elküldte minden pénzét egy hercegnek az interneten, aki lehet, hogy maga a bűn bohóc hercege.
czeTeen Titans Go!Starfire convinces the reluctant Titans to try defeating their enemies with compassion rather than violence.
sloTeen Titans Go!Starfire convinces the reluctant Titans to try defeating their enemies with compassion rather than violence.
18/0507h00>07h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Amikor megakadályozzák egy múzeum kirablását, a Titánok találkoznak a B. B. Kobolddal, aki beveti ellenük mindazt, ami bosszantja őket.
czeTeen Titans Go!While stopping a museum theft, the Titans encounter the P.P. Goblin, who uses the Titan's pet peeves against them. Director: James Krenzke,.
sloTeen Titans Go!While stopping a museum theft, the Titans encounter the P.P. Goblin, who uses the Titan's pet peeves against them. Director: James Krenzke,.
18/0507h20>07h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganDan és Mia között vita robban ki, amikor kiderül, hogy Mia titkolja Bakugan kötődését a szülei között, és Mia megtudja, hogy Dan a Sárkány-klánnál járt.
czeBakuganA conflict develops when Dan discovers that Mia conceals her brawling identity from her parents.
sloBakuganA conflict develops when Dan discovers that Mia conceals her brawling identity from her parents.
18/0507h30>07h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganA Kívülállók nevében Dan kihívja a Rovar-klánt, hogy beléphessenek a titkos ligába.
czeBakuganOn behalf of his newly formed clan of "misfits," Dan challenges the Insect Clan to a one-shot opportunity to "brawl-in" to join the underground league.
sloBakuganOn behalf of his newly formed clan of "misfits," Dan challenges the Insect Clan to a one-shot opportunity to "brawl-in" to join the underground league.
18/0507h45>08h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemÖcsi találkozik ősellenségével, Montana Max-szel, és különleges órákat vesz Tapsitól, hogy megmenthesse a kávézót a lerombolástól.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBuster meets his nemesis, Montana Max, and must apply a new lesson from Bugs about drag to keep the Loo Bru from demolition.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBuster meets his nemesis, Montana Max, and must apply a new lesson from Bugs about drag to keep the Loo Bru from demolition.
18/0508h15>08h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Bobert egy hétig Gumball szolgája lesz, Gumball rájön, hogy a robot minden parancsát végrehajtja... Akkor is, ha ezzel megpecsételi a sorsát!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballBobert loses a bet to Gumball so has to obey him for 24 hours.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballBobert loses a bet to Gumball so has to obey him for 24 hours.
18/0508h25>08h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball megirigyli a vidéki életet, ezért megh+vja Idahót, hogy tanítsa meg a Watterson családnak, hogyan kell krumpliként élni.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball teaches Darwin a lesson after Darwin leaves him.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball teaches Darwin a lesson after Darwin leaves him.
18/0508h35>08h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin magára hagyja Gumballt Tina karmai között. Ekkor Gumball elhatározza, hogy megleckézteti.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballBobert loses a bet to Gumball so has to obey him for 24 hours. / Gumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball teaches Darwin a lesson after Darwin leaves him.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballBobert loses a bet to Gumball so has to obey him for 24 hours. / Gumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball teaches Darwin a lesson after Darwin leaves him.
18/0508h55>09h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Cindy, Jabberjaw és Squiddly versenyeznek a "legjobb barát" címért Jellystone-ban.
czeJellystone!Cindy, Jabberjaw, and Squiddly compete for the title of "best friend" in Jellystone.
sloJellystone!Cindy, Jabberjaw, and Squiddly compete for the title of "best friend" in Jellystone.
18/0509h05>09h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Shag felbérel egy csapat nyomozót, hogy megtalálják a csodákban való, elvesztett gyermekkori hitét.
czeJellystone!Shag hires a bunch of detectives to find his lost sense of childhood wonder.
sloJellystone!Shag hires a bunch of detectives to find his lost sense of childhood wonder.
18/0509h20>09h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Foxi Maxi hamis ellenfelet kreál, hogy induljon ellene a polgármester-választáson.
czeJellystone!Huck creates a fake opponent to run against him in the mayoral election.
sloJellystone!Huck creates a fake opponent to run against him in the mayoral election.
18/0509h30>09h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Augie, Shag és Hápi őrzik Peti értékes játékgyűjteményét, amíg ő elutazik.
czeJellystone!Augie, Shag, and Yakky guard Peter's collection of valuable toys while he leaves town.
sloJellystone!Augie, Shag, and Yakky guard Peter's collection of valuable toys while he leaves town.
18/0509h50>10h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraignek és barátainak meg kell találniuk a bújócska történetének legjobb bújócskázóját.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends are challenged to find the greatest hider that Hide and Seek has ever known.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends are challenged to find the greatest hider that Hide and Seek has ever known.
18/0510h00>10h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig segít Rajnak kicsempészni a nagymamáját az erdőbe.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig helps Raj sneak his grandmother away to the Creek.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig helps Raj sneak his grandmother away to the Creek.
18/0510h10>10h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és barátai meglátogatják az erdő Talált Tárgyak osztályát,hátha találnak egy kockát.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends visit the Creek's Lost & Found, hoping to claim a puzzle cube.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends visit the Creek's Lost & Found, hoping to claim a puzzle cube.
18/0510h25>10h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokMivel Craig, Kelsey és Jp unatkoznak egy esős napon, ezért a hiányos társasjátékokat összerakják és megalkotják a Mega játékot.
czeCraig of the CreekBored on a rainy day, Craig, Kelsey and JP put together their broken board games and find themselves transported into the ultimate gaming challenge.
sloCraig of the CreekBored on a rainy day, Craig, Kelsey and JP put together their broken board games and find themselves transported into the ultimate gaming challenge.
18/0510h35>10h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokTolvaj van az erdőben! És csak egy hős állíthatja meg: Ezüst Ököl.
czeCraig of the CreekThere's a thief in the Creek, and there is only one hero who can stop them: SILVER FIST!
sloCraig of the CreekThere's a thief in the Creek, and there is only one hero who can stop them: SILVER FIST!
18/0510h55>11h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig régi ellenfeleivel, a túloldal Bajnokaival megy túrázni egy titkos vízeséshez.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig joins his former enemies, the Champions of the Other Side of the Creek, on a hike to a secret waterfall.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig joins his former enemies, the Champions of the Other Side of the Creek, on a hike to a secret waterfall.
18/0511h05>11h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig egy kéretlen vendéggel érkezik haza, amikor Jason, a cserkész azt kéri, hadd aludjon náluk.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig finds himself with an unlikely house guest when Jason the Junior Forest Scout sleeps over.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig finds himself with an unlikely house guest when Jason the Junior Forest Scout sleeps over.
18/0511h20>11h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Gézengúz feje elkezd zörögni Robin pedig azt javasolja neki hogy keressen magának egy hobbit akkor nem sorvad tovább az agya. Gézengúz és elméje a kertészkedés mellett döntenek.
czeTeen Titans Go!When Beast Boy's head starts to rattle, Robin suggests that he should find a hobby so that his brain will stop shrinking. Beast Boy and his brain agree to take up gardening.
sloTeen Titans Go!When Beast Boy's head starts to rattle, Robin suggests that he should find a hobby so that his brain will stop shrinking. Beast Boy and his brain agree to take up gardening.
18/0511h30>11h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Gizmo elhiteti a titánokkal, hogy elrabolta Cyborgot, ám igazából Cyborg a barátnőjével, Jinxszel lóg a HIVE toronyban. Gizmót kezdi zavarni Cyborg.
czeTeen Titans Go!Gizmo convinces the Titans he's kidnapped Cyborg, when in reality Cyborg's just hanging out in the HIVE tower with his girl Jinx.
sloTeen Titans Go!Gizmo convinces the Titans he's kidnapped Cyborg, when in reality Cyborg's just hanging out in the HIVE tower with his girl Jinx.
18/0511h45>11h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Raven egy átok miatt kénytelen mindig kedvesen viselkedni, Csillagfény pedig egy adag chilihez készül hozzámenni.
czeTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
sloTeen Titans Go!Series that takes a comedic look at the Teen Titans' lives.
18/0511h55>12h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A titánok nem szórakoznak túl jól kempingezés közben, így Robin azt javasolja, meséljenek történeteket a tábortűz mellett.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans are having a terrible time on their camping trip, so Robin suggests that they each tell a scary campfire story.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans are having a terrible time on their camping trip, so Robin suggests that they each tell a scary campfire story.
18/0512h10>12h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A titánokra ráunó Hive kivesz egy napot és igyekszik minden áron kerülni a konfliktust ellenfeleivel, ha csak lehetséges.
czeTeen Titans Go!Tired of the Titans, The Hive agrees to take a day off and avoid engaging with their foes - if possible.
sloTeen Titans Go!Tired of the Titans, The Hive agrees to take a day off and avoid engaging with their foes - if possible.
18/0512h20>12h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Gézengúz és Cyborg bohócot akarnak felfogadni a titánok bulijára, hiába mondja nekik Robin, hogy a bohócok gyerekeknek valók. A bohóc nem válik be.
czeTeen Titans Go!Beast Boy and Cyborg insist on hiring a clown for a Titans party, even though Robin tells them that clowns are for little kids.
sloTeen Titans Go!Beast Boy and Cyborg insist on hiring a clown for a Titans party, even though Robin tells them that clowns are for little kids.
18/0512h35>12h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10With the Rust Bucket stopped on the Midwest roadside, Ben locks himself inside with his tablet as Max and Gwen enjoy the great outdoors.
sloBen 10With the Rust Bucket stopped on the Midwest roadside, Ben locks himself inside with his tablet as Max and Gwen enjoy the great outdoors.
18/0512h45>13h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben discovers a device with the power to transform the wearer into alien creatures.
sloBen 10Ben discovers a device with the power to transform the wearer into alien creatures.
18/0513h05>13h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10During a trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, Max gets word of a suspicious rockslide nearby. Ben and Gwen must stop their quarrel if they are to rescue the trapped miners.
sloBen 10During a trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, Max gets word of a suspicious rockslide nearby. Ben and Gwen must stop their quarrel if they are to rescue the trapped miners.
18/0513h15>13h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben discovers a device with the power to transform the wearer into alien creatures.
sloBen 10Ben discovers a device with the power to transform the wearer into alien creatures.
18/0513h30>13h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin arra a meggyőződésre jut, hogy 24 órán belül itt a világvége.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are convinced that the world will end in 24 hours.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are convinced that the world will end in 24 hours.
18/0513h40>14h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin kétségbeesetten próbálja elkerülni a késedelmi díjat a kölcsönzői DVD után amit véletlenül tönkretettek.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is desperate to avoid a late fee on the rented dvd he accidentally destroyed. / Gumball and Darwin are convinced that the world will end in 24 hours.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is desperate to avoid a late fee on the rented dvd he accidentally destroyed. / Gumball and Darwin are convinced that the world will end in 24 hours.
18/0514h05>14h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokMiközben az erdő egyik távoli szegletét kutatja fel, Craig összekerül riválisával, Vadóckával.
czeCraig of the CreekWhile searching a once unreachable part of the Creek, Craig gets stranded with his longtime rival, Wildernessa! Director: Stu Livingston,.
sloCraig of the CreekWhile searching a once unreachable part of the Creek, Craig gets stranded with his longtime rival, Wildernessa! Director: Stu Livingston,.
18/0514h15>14h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vének Piacán Craignek, Kelsey-nek és JP-nek is olyan élménye van, melyet soha nem felejtenek el.
czeCraig of the CreekWhen Elder Con comes to the Creek, Craig, Kelsey and JP each have a con experience they'll never forget. Director: Stu Livingston,.
sloCraig of the CreekWhen Elder Con comes to the Creek, Craig, Kelsey and JP each have a con experience they'll never forget. Director: Stu Livingston,.
18/0514h30>14h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokMiután JP kapott egy új pulcsit, felveszik a hokisok közé. Craig és Kelsey csak úgy szerezheti vissza, ha jégre szállnak.
czeCraig of the CreekAfter donning a brand new Jersey, JP is recruited by the Hockey Kids! The only way to get JP back is for Craig and Kelsey to hit the ice!
sloCraig of the CreekAfter donning a brand new Jersey, JP is recruited by the Hockey Kids! The only way to get JP back is for Craig and Kelsey to hit the ice!
18/0514h40>14h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA trió új barátot szerez az erdőben, de mikor a háziállat tragikus véget ér, Kelsey megpróbál segíteni.
czeCraig of the CreekOur Trio makes a new friend in the Creek, but when her pet befalls a tragic fate, Kelsey believes she knows how to help.
sloCraig of the CreekOur Trio makes a new friend in the Creek, but when her pet befalls a tragic fate, Kelsey believes she knows how to help.
18/0514h55>15h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemÖcsi találkozik ősellenségével, Montana Max-szel, és különleges órákat vesz Tapsitól, hogy megmenthesse a kávézót a lerombolástól.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBuster meets his nemesis, Montana Max, and must apply a new lesson from Bugs about drag to keep the Loo Bru from demolition.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBuster meets his nemesis, Montana Max, and must apply a new lesson from Bugs about drag to keep the Loo Bru from demolition.
18/0515h15>15h28 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputLamput is caught but makes a new friend, Tuzki who comes to his rescue! Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
sloLamputLamput is caught but makes a new friend, Tuzki who comes to his rescue! Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
18/0515h28>15h38 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok különböző rajzfilmek főcímjeiben üldözik a Távirányító Urát.
czeTeen Titans Go!Control Freak leads the Titans on a chase through various cartoon intro sequences.
sloTeen Titans Go!Control Freak leads the Titans on a chase through various cartoon intro sequences.
18/0515h38>15h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok kívánnak egy varázscsonttól, majd miután eltörik, el kell menniük Hurukk-hurukkföldre, hogy mindent helyrehozzanak.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans make wishes on a wishbone, but when it's broken, they must travel to Gobble-Gobble Land to set things right.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans make wishes on a wishbone, but when it's broken, they must travel to Gobble-Gobble Land to set things right.
18/0515h55>16h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Egy díjátadó gálán Robint felkapja egy tornádó, és elrepíti egy varázslatos vidékre.
czeTeen Titans Go!Animated series based on the DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans. Robin is swept up by a tornado during an awards ceremony and arrives in a magical land.
sloTeen Titans Go!Animated series based on the DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans. Robin is swept up by a tornado during an awards ceremony and arrives in a magical land.
18/0516h05>16h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Miközben az Agy ellen harcolna, Robin megpróbálja megtanítani a Titánoknak, hogy mi az irónia.
czeTeen Titans Go!Animated series based on the DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans. While facing off with the Brain, Robin tries to teach the other Titans the proper definition of irony.
sloTeen Titans Go!Animated series based on the DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans. While facing off with the Brain, Robin tries to teach the other Titans the proper definition of irony.
18/0516h20>16h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Hápi véletlenül beszorul egy görögdinnyébe, Belekutty pedig azt hiszi róla, hogy a görögdinnye a szeretete miatt életre kelt.
czeJellystone!After accidentally trapping Yakky inside a watermelon, Augie convinces herself that it's come to life as a baby.
sloJellystone!After accidentally trapping Yakky inside a watermelon, Augie convinces herself that it's come to life as a baby.
18/0516h30>16h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Amikor a városban mindenkiből hős lesz, El Kabong úgy érzi, hogy rá már nincs szükség.
czeJellystone!When everyone in town becomes a superhero, El Kabong begins to wonder if he's needed anymore.
sloJellystone!When everyone in town becomes a superhero, El Kabong begins to wonder if he's needed anymore.
18/0516h45>16h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Belekutty, Hápi és Shag segítenek a kimerült boszorkának felkészülni Halloweenre, de elszabadul a pokol.
czeJellystone!Augie, Yakky, and Shag help an overworked Winsome Witch prepare for Halloween but end up making things worse!
sloJellystone!Augie, Yakky, and Shag help an overworked Winsome Witch prepare for Halloween but end up making things worse!
18/0516h55>17h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Amikor Belekutty rosszat álmodik, Kutyapu látogatókat hív, akik mesékkel szórakoztatják a kiskutyát.
czeJellystone!When Augie has a bad dream, Doggie Daddy and others entertain her with random stories.
sloJellystone!When Augie has a bad dream, Doggie Daddy and others entertain her with random stories.
18/0517h05>17h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunA daliás Ivandoe herceg kalandjaiIvandoe-t és Bertet foglyul ejti egy erdei túlélő, aki nem más... mint egy rózsazsín pudli. Bert rájön, hogy csakis akkor menekülhetnek meg, hogyha a pudlit kiskutyaként kezelik.
czeThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe Shorts Ivandoe and Bert are captured by a rather fanatic forest adventurer ... a pink poodle. Bert comes up with a clever way to escape.
sloThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe Shorts Ivandoe and Bert are captured by a rather fanatic forest adventurer ... a pink poodle. Bert comes up with a clever way to escape.
18/0517h15>17h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball becomes a sorcerer's apprentice. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball becomes a sorcerer's apprentice. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
18/0517h25>17h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor anya elnyeri a Hónap Dolgozója díjat a Szivárványgyárban, Richard úgy érzi, hogy nem becsülik meg az ő otthon végzett munkáját.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball, Darwin and Anais find themselves plunged into an RPG version of Elmore.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball, Darwin and Anais find themselves plunged into an RPG version of Elmore.
18/0517h45>17h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokKelsey megalapít egy szuper titkos könyvklubot, hogy bevezesse Craiget és JP-t az olvasás örömébe.
czeCraig of the CreekKelsey starts a super secret book club to introduce Craig and JP to the joys of reading.
sloCraig of the CreekKelsey starts a super secret book club to introduce Craig and JP to the joys of reading.
18/0517h55>18h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokJP azt hiszi, hogy egy másik bolygóról származik, ezért Craig segít neki kapcsolatot létesíteni velük.
czeCraig of the CreekJP believes he may be from another planet, so Craig tries to help him make contact.
sloCraig of the CreekJP believes he may be from another planet, so Craig tries to help him make contact.
18/0518h05>18h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekKelsey leads her friends on the most important quest of picking up takeout for dinner.
sloCraig of the CreekKelsey leads her friends on the most important quest of picking up takeout for dinner.
18/0518h20>18h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekJessica wanders into an unfamiliar creek, leaving Craig to find her before his Mom notices!
sloCraig of the CreekJessica wanders into an unfamiliar creek, leaving Craig to find her before his Mom notices!
18/0518h30>18h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekBernard is left in charge for the evening, so Craig sets out to find his own dinner at the creek.
sloCraig of the CreekBernard is left in charge for the evening, so Craig sets out to find his own dinner at the creek.
18/0518h50>19h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Team Tennyson find themselves stuck in traffic after an overpass collapses, but when Simon decides to fix things the trouble has only just begun.
sloBen 10Team Tennyson find themselves stuck in traffic after an overpass collapses, but when Simon decides to fix things the trouble has only just begun.
18/0519h00>19h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben has to stop Steam Smythe from attacking a video game store during a new Sumo Sammers game release.
sloBen 10Ben has to stop Steam Smythe from attacking a video game store during a new Sumo Sammers game release.
18/0519h10>19h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10While visiting Big Ben, Ben stumbles upon a plot to steal the famous bell from inside the tower without anyone realising.
sloBen 10While visiting Big Ben, Ben stumbles upon a plot to steal the famous bell from inside the tower without anyone realising.
18/0519h25>19h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemÖcsi találkozik ősellenségével, Montana Max-szel, és különleges órákat vesz Tapsitól, hogy megmenthesse a kávézót a lerombolástól.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBuster meets his nemesis, Montana Max, and must apply a new lesson from Bugs about drag to keep the Loo Bru from demolition.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBuster meets his nemesis, Montana Max, and must apply a new lesson from Bugs about drag to keep the Loo Bru from demolition.
18/0519h45>20h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputLamput is caught but makes a new friend, Tuzki who comes to his rescue! Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
sloLamputLamput is caught but makes a new friend, Tuzki who comes to his rescue! Actors: Babu Anand, . Director: Babu Anand,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
18/0520h00>20h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok aggódnak, amikor megtudják, hogy Csillagfény elküldte minden pénzét egy hercegnek az interneten, aki lehet, hogy maga a bűn bohóc hercege.
czeTeen Titans Go!Starfire convinces the reluctant Titans to try defeating their enemies with compassion rather than violence.
sloTeen Titans Go!Starfire convinces the reluctant Titans to try defeating their enemies with compassion rather than violence.
18/0520h10>20h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Amikor megakadályozzák egy múzeum kirablását, a Titánok találkoznak a B. B. Kobolddal, aki beveti ellenük mindazt, ami bosszantja őket.
czeTeen Titans Go!While stopping a museum theft, the Titans encounter the P.P. Goblin, who uses the Titan's pet peeves against them. Director: James Krenzke,.
sloTeen Titans Go!While stopping a museum theft, the Titans encounter the P.P. Goblin, who uses the Titan's pet peeves against them. Director: James Krenzke,.
18/0520h20>20h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Amikor egy vészhívást kapnak a stábtól, a Titánoknak vissza kell fogniuk magukat, és kerülniük kell a nagy kalandokat.
czeTeen Titans Go!When they receive a distress call from the TTG animators and artists, the Titans must tone down their actions and avoid big adventures.
sloTeen Titans Go!When they receive a distress call from the TTG animators and artists, the Titans must tone down their actions and avoid big adventures.
18/0520h35>20h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganA Kívülállók új tagokat toboroznak. Hogy megnyerjék maguknak Junót és Bruisert, összecsapnak az Emlős klánnal.
czeBakuganThe Misfit Clan looks to gain new members by brawling the Mammal Clan for local daredevil-hacker Juno and her Bakugan partner, Bruiser.
sloBakuganThe Misfit Clan looks to gain new members by brawling the Mammal Clan for local daredevil-hacker Juno and her Bakugan partner, Bruiser.
18/0520h40>21h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganJuno és Griffin együtt próbálják megfejteni az új Bakugan erőt, eközben Nillious másokkal a Kívülállók megbuktatásán munkálkodik.
czeBakuganJuno and Griffin work together to unlock new Bakugan powers while Nillious gathers the other clan leaders to plot the Misfits' demise.
sloBakuganJuno and Griffin work together to unlock new Bakugan powers while Nillious gathers the other clan leaders to plot the Misfits' demise.
18/0521h00>21h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaCsimpilla tanárnő kénytelen megmenteni magát a ragályos boldogságvírustól, ami megfertőzi az egész iskolát.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballMiss Simian has to save herself from a contagious Joy virus infecting the whole school.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballMiss Simian has to save herself from a contagious Joy virus infecting the whole school.
18/0521h10>21h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin rájön Anti halhatatlanságának titkára. /A gyerekek végre megkapják a kiskutyát, amire mindig vágytak, csak éppen... ez igazából egy teknős, aki utálja őket.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe new coach at Elmore High stands up to Jamie. / The secret behind Anton's immortality.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe new coach at Elmore High stands up to Jamie. / The secret behind Anton's immortality.
18/0521h25>21h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA gyerekek végre megkapják a kiskutyát, amire mindig vágytak, csak éppen... ez igazából egy teknős, aki utálja őket.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe kids finally get the puppy they always wanted except it's a turtle. 15 mins, (2014)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe kids finally get the puppy they always wanted except it's a turtle. 15 mins, (2014)
18/0521h35>21h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Gumball megtudja, hogy az igazi neve Zach... Zachként kezd viselkedni!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Mum reveals that Gumball's real name is "Zach", Gumball adopts a cheesy, annoying persona to match the name.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Mum reveals that Gumball's real name is "Zach", Gumball adopts a cheesy, annoying persona to match the name.
18/0521h55>22h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaCsendes nap köszönt Gumballra és Darwinra és a mellékszereplők végre lehetőséget kapjanak, hogy rivaldafénybe kerüljenek.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballNothing much is happening for Gumball and Darwin and the background characters in Elmore seize their moment.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballNothing much is happening for Gumball and Darwin and the background characters in Elmore seize their moment.
18/0522h05>22h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA gyerekek addig panaszkodnak, hogy valóban jótékonysági akciót szerveznek értük.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is in such a bad mood that it spreads to Darwin, who joins him in complaining about everything.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is in such a bad mood that it spreads to Darwin, who joins him in complaining about everything.
18/0522h20>22h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Watterson család pihentető kirándulásra indul de a végén az életükért kell futniuk!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are swapping scary stories on a family vacation, when their car breaks down in the middle of the desert.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons are swapping scary stories on a family vacation, when their car breaks down in the middle of the desert.
18/0522h30>22h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin rájön hogy Brown igazgató úr diplomája hamisítvány.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Gumball and Darwin discover his diploma is fake, Principal Brown is determined to keep their discovery a secret.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Gumball and Darwin discover his diploma is fake, Principal Brown is determined to keep their discovery a secret.
18/0522h45>22h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin nyomozást indít egy elveszett osztálytárs után, ám sokkal nagyobb titkot fedeznek fel... Elmore-ról.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin start noticing small details around Elmore High that don't add up.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin start noticing small details around Elmore High that don't add up.
18/0522h55>23h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin segít Rockynak munkát kapni egy irodában, hogy az apja, Mr. Robinson büszke legyen rá.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin help Rocky land an office job so that his dad, Mr Robinson, will be proud of him.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin help Rocky land an office job so that his dad, Mr Robinson, will be proud of him.
18/0523h10>23h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaClayton kényszeres hazudozó, de Gumball rájön, hogy az elképesztő harcművészeti technikája nem hazugság volt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball confronts Clayton about his fabled Seven Pressure Point Heart Exploding Technique, assuming it's another one of his outlandish claims.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball confronts Clayton about his fabled Seven Pressure Point Heart Exploding Technique, assuming it's another one of his outlandish claims.
18/0523h25>23h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaFánkos Biztos megmutatja Gumballnak és Darwinnak, hogy a legkisebb szabálysértés is a törvény összeomlásához vezethet.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball jaywalks and is pulled over by Donut Cop. 15 mins, (2014)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball jaywalks and is pulled over by Donut Cop. 15 mins, (2014)
18/0523h40>23h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballnak meg kell találnia a gyógyírt Darwin allergiájára, mielőtt letüsszentené Elmore-t a térképről.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin starts sneezing repeatedly and it seems he can't stop.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin starts sneezing repeatedly and it seems he can't stop.
18/0523h50>00h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnyák Napja van és a gyerekek egy tesztsorozatnak teszik ki az anyákat, hogy eldöntsék, ki a legjobb anya a világon.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballIt's Mother's Day, and Gumball and Darwin discover that Tobias and Banana Joe have both made a card for "The Best Mum in the World".
sloThe Amazing World of GumballIt's Mother's Day, and Gumball and Darwin discover that Tobias and Banana Joe have both made a card for "The Best Mum in the World".
19/0500h00>00h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin azzal pörgeti fel a barátságát hogy keresnek egy harmadik legjobb barátot./Gumball elhatározza hogy megmenti Mr. Robinsont a Veterán Előadók Műsora alatt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball has to save Mr Robinson's life during Elmore's Senior Talent Show!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball has to save Mr Robinson's life during Elmore's Senior Talent Show!
19/0500h15>00h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball megpróbálja megmenteni Darwint egy lány csókjától./ Brown igazgató úr megpróbálja helyrehozni Gumball diszfunkcionális családját.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball tries to save Darwin from being kissed by a girl.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball tries to save Darwin from being kissed by a girl.
19/0500h25>00h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball megpróbálja megmenteni Darwint egy lány csókjától./ Brown igazgató úr megpróbálja helyrehozni Gumball diszfunkcionális családját.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballPrincipal Brown tries to "fix" Gumball's dysfunctional family.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballPrincipal Brown tries to "fix" Gumball's dysfunctional family.
19/0500h40>00h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin "felelősségteljesen" vigyáz Anaisre, közben felelőtlenül elárasztják a házat.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin babysit Anais "responsibly" whilst "irresponsibly" flooding the house.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin babysit Anais "responsibly" whilst "irresponsibly" flooding the house.
19/0500h50>01h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin "felelősségteljesen" vigyáz Anaisre, közben felelőtlenül elárasztják a házat./ Gumball női ruhában megy suliba, és ezzel ő lesz az iskola szépségkirálynője.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball goes to school in a dress and becomes the darling of Elmore High.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball goes to school in a dress and becomes the darling of Elmore High.
19/0501h05>01h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin kihívja apát egy lustasági versenyre./ Gumball kénytelen megtanulni nemet mondani, amikor Carrie, a szellem az akarata ellenére használja a testét.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin challenge Dad to a "lazy-off".
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin challenge Dad to a "lazy-off".
19/0501h20>01h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin kihívja apát egy lustasági versenyre./ Gumball kénytelen megtanulni nemet mondani, amikor Carrie, a szellem az akarata ellenére használja a testét.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball must learn to say "no" when Carrie the Ghost uses his body against his will. / Gumball and Darwin challenge Dad to a "lazy-off".
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball must learn to say "no" when Carrie the Ghost uses his body against his will. / Gumball and Darwin challenge Dad to a "lazy-off".
19/0501h30>01h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball elhatározza, hogy kinyomozza a rejtélyt: ki zárta be Brown igazgató urat a szekrényébe.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball sets out to solve the mystery of who stuffed Principal Brown into his locker. / Gumball and Darwin's harmless pranks on Dad spiral hopelessly out of control.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball sets out to solve the mystery of who stuffed Principal Brown into his locker. / Gumball and Darwin's harmless pranks on Dad spiral hopelessly out of control.
19/0501h45>01h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin ártatlan tréfákat követ el apa rovására, de elvesztik uralmukat a tréfa fölött.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's harmless pranks on Dad spiral hopelessly out of control.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's harmless pranks on Dad spiral hopelessly out of control.
19/0501h55>02h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin harcművészeti hacukája az iskolában köznevetség tárgyává válik./ Gumballt traumatikus élmény éri amikor JoJo nagyi szájon csókolja.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's martial arts costumes make them a laughing stock at school.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's martial arts costumes make them a laughing stock at school.
19/0502h05>02h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaItt az első nap az iskolában, de Gumballnak és Darwinnak nyoma sincs.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDad is in charge of getting the kids to their first day back at school on time, but he's overslept and now he can't find Gumball, Darwin, or Anais anywhere.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDad is in charge of getting the kids to their first day back at school on time, but he's overslept and now he can't find Gumball, Darwin, or Anais anywhere.
19/0502h15>02h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin szembetalálja magát a nemezisével, vagy legalább is valakivel, aki az próbál lenni.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin discover that Rob, who once swore to wreak vengeance on them, has been trying to destroy them for some time... but his traps never work.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin discover that Rob, who once swore to wreak vengeance on them, has been trying to destroy them for some time... but his traps never work.
19/0502h30>02h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaCând Gumball şi Darwin decid că este timpul să se alăture unei găşti ei sunt de părere că cea mai tare este cea a Cetăţenilor Seniori.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballA collection of Gumball and Darwin's funniest episodes! Director: Mic Graves,.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballA collection of Gumball and Darwin's funniest episodes! Director: Mic Graves,.
19/0502h40>02h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin döbbenten ébred rá, hogy nem az ő osztályuk az egyetlen az Elmore-i Középiskolában.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Anais reveals that she's in the grade above them at school, Gumball and Darwin's eyes are suddenly opened to a whole new world of other students at Elmore Junior High.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Anais reveals that she's in the grade above them at school, Gumball and Darwin's eyes are suddenly opened to a whole new world of other students at Elmore Junior High.
19/0502h50>03h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaApa megpróbálja megakadályozni, hogy Jojo nagyi férjhez menjen, és ekkor kitör a káosz.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDad discovers that Granny Jojo and Louie plan to get married and move to Florida. To stop this happening he adopts Louie so that he can forbid him from marrying Granny Jojo.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDad discovers that Granny Jojo and Louie plan to get married and move to Florida. To stop this happening he adopts Louie so that he can forbid him from marrying Granny Jojo.
19/0503h00>03h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaMasaminak születésnapja van -- de mit lehet venni egy felhőnek, akinek mindene megvan?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAfter they receive an extravagant invitation to Masami's birthday party, Gumball and Darwin are anxious to find just the right gift for her.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAfter they receive an extravagant invitation to Masami's birthday party, Gumball and Darwin are anxious to find just the right gift for her.
19/0503h10>03h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball be akarja bizonyítani Penny apjának, hogy méltó a lányához.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball decides that the best way to prove to Mr. Fitzgerald that he's good enough for Penny is to become his apprentice for the day.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball decides that the best way to prove to Mr. Fitzgerald that he's good enough for Penny is to become his apprentice for the day.
19/0503h25>03h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnaist zavarja valaki az iskolában és Gumball és Darwin segít ellátni az illető baját.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen they find Anais training herself for a brutal showdown, Gumball and Darwin realise that their sister is being pestered at school by an annoying kid: Billy.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen they find Anais training herself for a brutal showdown, Gumball and Darwin realise that their sister is being pestered at school by an annoying kid: Billy.
19/0503h35>03h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball hirtelen elhatározásból megölel egy idegent az iskolában és ezért kínos helyzetben találja magát.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Darwin taunts Gumball about how predictable he is, Gumball tries to prove that he can still surprise his buddy.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Darwin taunts Gumball about how predictable he is, Gumball tries to prove that he can still surprise his buddy.
19/0503h45>03h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin mindent megtesz, hogy megakadályozzák Robinson szomszédot a háza eladásában.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are devastated to learn that Mr. Robinson - their favourite person in the world - is selling his house and leaving town.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are devastated to learn that Mr. Robinson - their favourite person in the world - is selling his house and leaving town.
19/0503h55>04h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor apa egy napra egyedül marad, megláthatjuk, hogy néznek ki valójában a mindennapjai.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballMom and the kids depart for their hard day's work, leaving a seemingly lazy Dad half-asleep on the sofa. Mom has given him one very simple job: buy mayonnaise.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballMom and the kids depart for their hard day's work, leaving a seemingly lazy Dad half-asleep on the sofa. Mom has given him one very simple job: buy mayonnaise.
19/0504h05>04h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Watterson család parkolóhelyet keres a bevásárlóközpont előtt és ez több időbe telik, mint gondolták.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Watterson family's search for a parking space at the mall takes a little longer than expected.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Watterson family's search for a parking space at the mall takes a little longer than expected.
19/0504h20>04h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin ráveszi Bobertet, hogy újítsa meg az operációs rendszerét, aztán azt kívánják, hogy bár ne teték volna.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin see an advert for the latest, cutting-edge Bobert operating system and excitedly talk Bobert into downloading it.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin see an advert for the latest, cutting-edge Bobert operating system and excitedly talk Bobert into downloading it.
19/0504h30>04h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball saját magát teszi meg a képregénye hősének , de sikertelenül próbál hősi alteregója nyomdokaiba lépni.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is the star of his own comic, but struggles to match up to his heroic alter-ego.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is the star of his own comic, but struggles to match up to his heroic alter-ego.
19/0504h40>04h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball egy nagy, romantikus gesztssal akarja visszahozni a varázslatot Pennyvel.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAfter Gumball convinces himself that Penny doesn't love him as much as she used to, he decides to put together a romantic quest to remind her of their good times together.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAfter Gumball convinces himself that Penny doesn't love him as much as she used to, he decides to put together a romantic quest to remind her of their good times together.
19/0504h50>05h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megpróbál elszakadni az Internettől, helyette viszont beleesnek az Elmore Utcai Lyukba.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballEveryone knows you can never watch just one video on the internet but Gumball and Darwin think they are the exception to the rule.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballEveryone knows you can never watch just one video on the internet but Gumball and Darwin think they are the exception to the rule.
19/0505h00>05h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin megpróbál felfedezni valami kellemes tulajdonságot a szomszédjukban, Mr. Robinsonban.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAfter being framed for feeding coffee to the squirrels in the park, Gumball proclaims that Mrs Robinson is pure evil.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAfter being framed for feeding coffee to the squirrels in the park, Gumball proclaims that Mrs Robinson is pure evil.
19/0505h15>05h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaMiután Alan lemondja a Gumball-lal való találkozóját, a kék macska kétségbeesetten követni kezdi mindenhová és rá akarja venni, hogy megfizessen az árulásáért.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThere's never a dull moment for the students of Elmore Junior High! Come and watch their best episodes!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThere's never a dull moment for the students of Elmore Junior High! Come and watch their best episodes!
19/0505h25>05h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaHogy Mr. Small úgy érezhesse, inspiráló hatással van diákjaira, Gumball és Darwin igyekszik minden tanácsot megfogadni, amit Mr. Smalltól kap.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballTo try and make Mr Small feel like he's inspired the students, Gumball and Darwin try to follow every piece of advice Mr Small gives them.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballTo try and make Mr Small feel like he's inspired the students, Gumball and Darwin try to follow every piece of advice Mr Small gives them.
19/0505h35>05h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin kalapokkal kapcsolatban kéri ki Gumball véleményét, akinek hirtelen eláll a szava és megsérti Darwint. Darwin meg van győződve róla, hogy Gumball azt mondta, dagadt a feje.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Darwin asks for his advice on hats, Gumball suddenly can't speak and offends Darwin. Darwin is convinced Gumball said he had a fat head.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Darwin asks for his advice on hats, Gumball suddenly can't speak and offends Darwin. Darwin is convinced Gumball said he had a fat head.
19/0505h45>06h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaJamie-nek nincs kivel együtt ebédelnie, elhatározza hát, hogy szüksége van egy pasira. Mivel Darwin az egyetlen, aki nem menekül el előle rögtön, így hamar egy párrá válnak.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballA collection of Gumball and Darwin's funniest episodes! Director: Mic Graves.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballA collection of Gumball and Darwin's funniest episodes! Director: Mic Graves.
19/0506h00>06h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig szeretne játszani egy népszerű kártyajátékkal, ezért kölcsönveszi Bernard régi, értékes kártyáit.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig wants to play a popular card game, so he decides to borrow Bernard's vintage and valuable cards.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig wants to play a popular card game, so he decides to borrow Bernard's vintage and valuable cards.
19/0506h10>06h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig segít a csatorna királynőjének feltérképezni a csatornát, de nyakig elmerül benne.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig takes on the job of mapping out the sewer system under the creek with the Sewer Queen. But is his in over his head?
sloCraig of the CreekCraig takes on the job of mapping out the sewer system under the creek with the Sewer Queen. But is his in over his head?
19/0506h25>06h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Amikor egy vészhívást kapnak a stábtól, a Titánoknak vissza kell fogniuk magukat, és kerülniük kell a nagy kalandokat.
czeTeen Titans Go!When they receive a distress call from the TTG animators and artists, the Titans must tone down their actions and avoid big adventures.
sloTeen Titans Go!When they receive a distress call from the TTG animators and artists, the Titans must tone down their actions and avoid big adventures.
19/0506h35>06h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Marv Wolfmannak és George Péreznek 24 órán belül elő kell állniuk egy új Tini Titánok ötlettel, ezért több lehetőséget is kipróbálnak.
czeTeen Titans Go!Marv Wolfman and George Pérez must pitch an idea for the new Teen Titans in 24 hours, so they brainstorm different concepts for the team.
sloTeen Titans Go!Marv Wolfman and George Pérez must pitch an idea for the new Teen Titans in 24 hours, so they brainstorm different concepts for the team.
19/0506h50>07h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok megtudják, hogy a T Toronynak voltak más tulajai is.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans are shocked to learn that the T Tower had previous owners.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans are shocked to learn that the T Tower had previous owners.
19/0507h00>07h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Cyborg és Gézengúz nem tud megegyezni, hogy ki a jobb karakter, Tom vagy Jerry, úgyhogy macska-egér játékba kezdenek.
czeTeen Titans Go!The best crossovers in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Peter Rida Michail,Luke Cormican,.
sloTeen Titans Go!The best crossovers in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Peter Rida Michail,Luke Cormican,.
19/0507h20>07h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganA Kívülállók új tagokat toboroznak. Hogy megnyerjék maguknak Junót és Bruisert, összecsapnak az Emlős klánnal.
czeBakuganThe Misfit Clan looks to gain new members by brawling the Mammal Clan for local daredevil-hacker Juno and her Bakugan partner, Bruiser.
sloBakuganThe Misfit Clan looks to gain new members by brawling the Mammal Clan for local daredevil-hacker Juno and her Bakugan partner, Bruiser.
19/0507h30>07h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganJuno és Griffin együtt próbálják megfejteni az új Bakugan erőt, eközben Nillious másokkal a Kívülállók megbuktatásán munkálkodik.
czeBakuganJuno and Griffin work together to unlock new Bakugan powers while Nillious gathers the other clan leaders to plot the Misfits' demise.
sloBakuganJuno and Griffin work together to unlock new Bakugan powers while Nillious gathers the other clan leaders to plot the Misfits' demise.
19/0507h45>08h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemAz egyetemen kezdetét veszi a Tréfa hét, így barátaink egy egyre hevesebb tréfaháborúban próbálják legyőzni riválisukat, a Vízi Dinkákat.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityIt's Prank Week at Acme Loo and our pals get into escalating shenanigans trying to out prank their rival, Aqua Loo.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityIt's Prank Week at Acme Loo and our pals get into escalating shenanigans trying to out prank their rival, Aqua Loo.
19/0508h15>08h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaJojo nagyi a széltől is óvja a Watterson családot, ezért veszélybe sodorja őket... a saját hibájuk.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGranny JoJo's overprotective behavior puts the Wattersons in danger. / Gumball and Darwin rent a film called A Pony's Tail to watch with Anais but keep getting distracted on their way home.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGranny JoJo's overprotective behavior puts the Wattersons in danger. / Gumball and Darwin rent a film called A Pony's Tail to watch with Anais but keep getting distracted on their way home.
19/0508h25>08h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball úgy gondolja, hogy Teri túlságosan fél a kórokozóktól. Egy vírus azonban a nyomában van és bosszúért liheg.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball thinks Teri is way too scared of germs.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball asks Idaho to teach his family to live a simpler life. / Gumball thinks Teri is way too scared of germs.
19/0508h35>08h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin hazafelé száguld, hogy Anais-szel foglalkozzanak, de útjukat állja minden lehetséges akadály... Sőt, néhány lehetetlen is.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin rent a film called "A Pony's Tail" to watch with Anais, but keep getting distracted on their way home.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin rent a film called "A Pony's Tail" to watch with Anais, but keep getting distracted on their way home.
19/0508h55>09h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Amikor Nagy Majom elalszik a város főterén, mintha egy katasztrófafilmet forgatnának a városban! A városlakók összefognak, hogy elmozdítsák helyéről a hegyet.
czeJellystone!Grape Ape crashes in the middle of town, turning Jellystone into a disaster zone! The citizens must band together to move this mountain of a monkey.
sloJellystone!Grape Ape crashes in the middle of town, turning Jellystone into a disaster zone! The citizens must band together to move this mountain of a monkey.
19/0509h05>09h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Bubu úgy érzi, hogy senki nem figyel rá, aztán vesz egy pár csizmát, amitől magasabbnak tűnik. Maci Laci féltékeny lesz Bubu népszerűségére.
czeJellystone!Boo Boo feels underappreciated until he gets boots that make him taller.
sloJellystone!Boo Boo feels underappreciated until he gets boots that make him taller.
19/0509h20>09h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Üdvözöljük Jellystone bájos városában, ahol a kedvenc Hanna-Barbera szereplői élnek, dolgoznak, és játszanak
czeJellystone!Doggie Daddy disguises Augie as a grown-up so he can bring her to bowling night.
sloJellystone!Doggie Daddy disguises Augie as a grown-up so he can bring her to bowling night.
19/0509h30>09h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Jabberjaw arról álmodozik, hogy Magilla Gorilla boltját vezeti. Amikor Magillát fejbe kólintja egy kókuszdióval, kihasználja annak amnéziáját, hogy megszerezze a rég vágyott állást.
czeJellystone!When Grape Ape falls asleep in the middle of town square, the town turns from a serene scene into a disaster movie! It's up to the citizens of Jellystone to band together to move this mountain!
sloJellystone!When Grape Ape falls asleep in the middle of town square, the town turns from a serene scene into a disaster movie! It's up to the citizens of Jellystone to band together to move this mountain!
19/0509h50>10h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig egy veszélyes farkasszemező versenybe száll be, hogy elnyerjen egy újabb darabot Kenneth kirakósából.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig enters a dangerous staring contest, hoping to win another one of Kenneth's Cubes.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig enters a dangerous staring contest, hoping to win another one of Kenneth's Cubes.
19/0510h00>10h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig meglátogatja unokatestvérét, Brysont és együtt bejárják New Jersey utcáit.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig visits his cousin, Bryson, and they go on a quest through the streets of New Jersey.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig visits his cousin, Bryson, and they go on a quest through the streets of New Jersey.
19/0510h10>10h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokVadócka imádott kutyája eltűnt, és Craig csatlakozik a keresőosztaghoz.
czeCraig of the CreekWildernessa's beloved dog goes missing, so Craig joins the search to track him down.
sloCraig of the CreekWildernessa's beloved dog goes missing, so Craig joins the search to track him down.
19/0510h25>10h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Boszik varázserejükkel bepillantást engednek Craignek és barátainak a jövőbe.
czeCraig of the CreekThe Witches of the Creek use their mystical powers to give Craig and his friends a glimpse into the future.
sloCraig of the CreekThe Witches of the Creek use their mystical powers to give Craig and his friends a glimpse into the future.
19/0510h35>10h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP find themselves stranded on an island of tattle-tales.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig, Kelsey and JP find themselves stranded on an island of tattle-tales.
19/0510h55>11h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraiget elrángatják egy főiskolai bejárásra, de végül az erdő egyik legendájának nyomába ered.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig is dragged along on a college tour, but quickly finds himself chasing after a creek legend.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig is dragged along on a college tour, but quickly finds himself chasing after a creek legend.
19/0511h05>11h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig, Ágyúgolyó, Tündöklő Lány és Diane egy ugrálóversenybe keveredik.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig, Cannonball, Sparkle Cadet and Diane find themselves wrapped up in a double dutch tournament.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig, Cannonball, Sparkle Cadet and Diane find themselves wrapped up in a double dutch tournament.
19/0511h20>11h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Vajon a titánok képesek lesznek a négy újévi hagyomány mesterévé válva megszakítani a rossz évek sorozatát?
czeTeen Titans Go!The best songs in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures!
sloTeen Titans Go!The best songs in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures!
19/0511h30>11h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Raven csak békét és nyugalmat szeretne, de véletlenül egy varázslattal minden hangot elnémít.
czeTeen Titans Go!Raven just wants some piece and quiet for once, and accidentally makes a magical deal that eliminates all sounds.
sloTeen Titans Go!Raven just wants some piece and quiet for once, and accidentally makes a magical deal that eliminates all sounds.
19/0511h45>11h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Raven csak békét és nyugalmat szeretne de véletlenül egy varázslattal minden hangot elnémít. / A titánok egyes részei hasznosabbak másoknál.
czeTeen Titans Go!The adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. Superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
sloTeen Titans Go!The adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. Superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
19/0511h55>12h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Robin úgy dönt, hogy macskává változik, hogy Csillagfény végre beleszeressen.
czeTeen Titans Go!Robin decides to become a cat so that Starfire will finally love him. / After being defeated due to poor leg strength Raven and the Titans work out their lower bodies and become the League of Legs.
sloTeen Titans Go!Robin decides to become a cat so that Starfire will finally love him. / After being defeated due to poor leg strength Raven and the Titans work out their lower bodies and become the League of Legs.
19/0512h10>12h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Miután vereséget szenvednek a gyenge lábaik miatt, Raven és a Titánok lábedzésbe kezdenek, és megalapítják a Lábak Ligáját
czeTeen Titans Go!After being defeated due to poor leg strength, Raven and the Titans work on their lower bodies and become the League of Legs.
sloTeen Titans Go!After being defeated due to poor leg strength, Raven and the Titans work on their lower bodies and become the League of Legs.
19/0512h20>12h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Amikor Gézengúz pénzt kap a Fogtündértől, a Titánok Raven figyelmeztetése ellenére úgy döntenek, hogy kiverik a saját fogaikat, hogy ők is kapjanak a Fogtündér pénzéből.
czeTeen Titans Go!When Beast Boy gets a stack of cash from the Tooth Fairy, against Raven's advice the other Titans start knocking out their own teeth to get some of that sweet Tooth Fairy money.
sloTeen Titans Go!When Beast Boy gets a stack of cash from the Tooth Fairy, against Raven's advice the other Titans start knocking out their own teeth to get some of that sweet Tooth Fairy money.
19/0512h35>12h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10While Gwen is listening to a boring lecture on the Transcontinental Railroad, Ben sneaks away to the gift shop looking for fun.
sloBen 10While Gwen is listening to a boring lecture on the Transcontinental Railroad, Ben sneaks away to the gift shop looking for fun.
19/0512h45>13h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Max is on his way to join Ben and Gwen when a fog rolls in, and with it comes a terrifying new destructive force!
sloBen 10Max is on his way to join Ben and Gwen when a fog rolls in, and with it comes a terrifying new destructive force!
19/0513h05>13h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10The evil Charmcaster interrupts Ben and Gwen's visit to Fort Knox, and demands revenge for Michael Morningstar.
sloBen 10The evil Charmcaster interrupts Ben and Gwen's visit to Fort Knox, and demands revenge for Michael Morningstar.
19/0513h15>13h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10After a lull in alien antics, a restless Ben suggests to Max and Gwen that he might be a better hero if he went solo. Ben soon finds out he must rethink his strategy.
sloBen 10After a lull in alien antics, a restless Ben suggests to Max and Gwen that he might be a better hero if he went solo. Ben soon finds out he must rethink his strategy.
19/0513h30>13h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin hangja mutálni kezd, de a felnőttségnek semmi jelét nem mutatják.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhilst Gumball and Darwin make fun of Mum and Dad for being old, their voices start to break.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhilst Gumball and Darwin make fun of Mum and Dad for being old, their voices start to break.
19/0513h40>14h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaSári aki új gyerek az iskolában Gumball és Darwin legnagyobb és kissé rögeszmés rajongója lesz.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballSarah, the new kid in school, is Gumball and Darwin's number one, slightly obsessive, fan.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballSarah, the new kid in school, is Gumball and Darwin's number one, slightly obsessive, fan.
19/0514h05>14h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig épít egy vidámparkot, de amikor kezd ellaposodni, megfogadja, hogy még jobbat készít, bármi is az ára.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig creates an amusement park in the Creek! But when things start to get stale, he vows to make it bigger and better, no matter what it takes!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig creates an amusement park in the Creek! But when things start to get stale, he vows to make it bigger and better, no matter what it takes!
19/0514h15>14h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraignek és Kelsey-nek és Jp-nek elege van az otthonukból, ezért testet cserélnek.
czeCraig of the CreekFed up with their home experiences, Craig, Kelsey and JP agree to switch bodies!
sloCraig of the CreekFed up with their home experiences, Craig, Kelsey and JP agree to switch bodies!
19/0514h30>14h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és abrátai összeakadnak Carterrel, a cíborggá vált zsenivel, és Craig segít neki ismét olyan gyereknek lenni, mint ő.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends stumble upon Carter, the cardboard genius turned cyborg, and Craig decides to help Carter become a kid again, just like him!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends stumble upon Carter, the cardboard genius turned cyborg, and Craig decides to help Carter become a kid again, just like him!
19/0514h40>14h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig versenyt fut az idővel, hogy megépítsen valamit és közben megtudjuk, hogy lett feltaláló.
czeCraig of the CreekAs Craig races against time to build a super important invention, we learn how Craig became such a clever inventor!
sloCraig of the CreekAs Craig races against time to build a super important invention, we learn how Craig became such a clever inventor!
19/0514h55>15h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemAz egyetemen kezdetét veszi a Tréfa hét, így barátaink egy egyre hevesebb tréfaháborúban próbálják legyőzni riválisukat, a Vízi Dinkákat.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityIt's Prank Week at Acme Loo and our pals get into escalating shenanigans trying to out prank their rival, Aqua Loo.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityIt's Prank Week at Acme Loo and our pals get into escalating shenanigans trying to out prank their rival, Aqua Loo.
19/0515h15>15h28 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputLamput is the breakthrough of the century, and Specs and Skinny are the knuckleheads who came up with it.
sloLamputLamput is the breakthrough of the century, and Specs and Skinny are the knuckleheads who came up with it.
19/0515h28>15h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok szervezik a Warner Brothers stúdió 100. születésnapi ünnepségét, és minden jól is megy, amíg a varázserejű WB címer össze nem törik.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans are in charge of the 100th Anniversary party for Warner Bros on the studio lot and everything is going well until the magical WB Shield is broken into pieces.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans are in charge of the 100th Anniversary party for Warner Bros on the studio lot and everything is going well until the magical WB Shield is broken into pieces.
19/0515h55>16h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Robin még ma is bánja, hogy nem talált meg egy húsvéti tojást gyerekkorában, ezért a Titánok Gothambe mennek, hogy megoldják a rejtélyt.
czeTeen Titans Go!The best of Batman in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Actors: Scott Menville, . Director: James Krenzke,Ken McIntyre,.
sloTeen Titans Go!The best of Batman in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Actors: Scott Menville, . Director: James Krenzke,Ken McIntyre,.
19/0516h05>16h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok segítenek Csillagfénynek végigcsinálni a bakancslistáját.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans give Starfire a bucket list of activities to accomplish. / Batman is forced to go to the department store with Alfred, but runs off to watch TV with Commissioner Gordon.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans give Starfire a bucket list of activities to accomplish. / Batman is forced to go to the department store with Alfred, but runs off to watch TV with Commissioner Gordon.
19/0516h20>16h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Fékezhetetlen 70-es évekbeli táncőrület fertőzi meg a Jellystone-t, és Cindy, Maci Laci és Bubu feladata, hogy megállítsák.
czeJellystone!An uncontrollable 70's dance craze infects Jellystone and it's up to Cindy, Yogi, and Boo Boo to stop it.
sloJellystone!An uncontrollable 70's dance craze infects Jellystone and it's up to Cindy, Yogi, and Boo Boo to stop it.
19/0516h30>16h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Cindy összeáll Turpi úrfival, hogy mindenki karját megeddzék.
czeJellystone!Cindy teams up with Top Cat to fix everyone's wobbly arms.
sloJellystone!Cindy teams up with Top Cat to fix everyone's wobbly arms.
19/0516h45>16h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Jabberjaw Ámor hatására mindenkibe és mindenbe beleszeret.
czeJellystone!Jabberjaw has an overactive cupid which makes her fall in love with everyone and everything.
sloJellystone!Jabberjaw has an overactive cupid which makes her fall in love with everyone and everything.
19/0516h55>17h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Mivel Turpi úrfi börtönben van, a bandájának nélküle kell véghezvinnie az évszázad átverését.
czeJellystone!With Top Cat in jail, his gang must pull off the scam of the century without him!
sloJellystone!With Top Cat in jail, his gang must pull off the scam of the century without him!
19/0517h05>17h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunA daliás Ivandoe herceg kalandjaiIvandoe és Bert egy bajbajutott hölgy segítségére siet, akit megtámadott egy csúnya farkas. Vajon a bájos hölgy meghódítja Ivandoe herceg szívét?
czeThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe ShortsIvandoe and Bert come to the aid of a lady in need when she is attacked by a big scary wolf. Will the enchanting young woman steal more than just Ivandoe's heart?
sloThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe ShortsIvandoe and Bert come to the aid of a lady in need when she is attacked by a big scary wolf. Will the enchanting young woman steal more than just Ivandoe's heart?
19/0517h15>17h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaRichard apjának, Frankie-nek az életszínvonala és hosszas távolléte alapján arra a következtetésre jutnak, hogy nyilván rács mögött volt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons transform their house into The Big House.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons transform their house into The Big House.
19/0517h25>17h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaNicole próbálja elrejteni a csalódását, amikor Richard és a gyerekek megfeledkeznek a nagy napjáról. Rá kell jönnie, milyen nagy napot felejtett el.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons discover a family of cartoon copycats who mimic their every move.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Wattersons discover a family of cartoon copycats who mimic their every move.
19/0517h45>17h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig discovers a bunch of bugs under a rock and decides to build them a city.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig discovers a bunch of bugs under a rock and decides to build them a city.
19/0517h55>18h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekThe Trio finds gold in the muddy depths of the Creek so Craig builds a rig to recover it.
sloCraig of the CreekThe Trio finds gold in the muddy depths of the Creek so Craig builds a rig to recover it.
19/0518h05>18h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekAn unusually hot day at the creek melts all of Kit's ice pops, so Craig helps her find a shortcut to her frozen snack supplier.
sloCraig of the CreekAn unusually hot day at the creek melts all of Kit's ice pops, so Craig helps her find a shortcut to her frozen snack supplier.
19/0518h20>18h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekWhen a kid claims dibs on the Stump, Craig has no choice but to take the kid to dibs court.
sloCraig of the CreekWhen a kid claims dibs on the Stump, Craig has no choice but to take the kid to dibs court.
19/0518h30>18h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekJP finds a fossil in the Creek which quickly causes the landscape to change.
sloCraig of the CreekJP finds a fossil in the Creek which quickly causes the landscape to change.
19/0518h50>19h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Team Tennyson heads to Florida for a holiday but end up facing off against the Weatherheads who are building a new base.
sloBen 10Team Tennyson heads to Florida for a holiday but end up facing off against the Weatherheads who are building a new base.
19/0519h00>19h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max take a trek to the Great Wall, but their adventure is nearly ruined by daredevils LaGrange and Vin Ethanol.
sloBen 10Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max take a trek to the Great Wall, but their adventure is nearly ruined by daredevils LaGrange and Vin Ethanol.
19/0519h10>19h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10During a family cookout at a forest campsite, Charmcaster users her magic to switch places with Gwen. Can Ben spot the ruse?
sloBen 10During a family cookout at a forest campsite, Charmcaster users her magic to switch places with Gwen. Can Ben spot the ruse?
19/0519h25>19h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemAz egyetemen kezdetét veszi a Tréfa hét, így barátaink egy egyre hevesebb tréfaháborúban próbálják legyőzni riválisukat, a Vízi Dinkákat.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityIt's Prank Week at Acme Loo and our pals get into escalating shenanigans trying to out prank their rival, Aqua Loo.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityIt's Prank Week at Acme Loo and our pals get into escalating shenanigans trying to out prank their rival, Aqua Loo.
19/0519h45>20h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputLamput is the breakthrough of the century, and Specs and Skinny are the knuckleheads who came up with it.
sloLamputLamput is the breakthrough of the century, and Specs and Skinny are the knuckleheads who came up with it.
19/0520h00>20h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Marv Wolfmannak és George Péreznek 24 órán belül elő kell állniuk egy új Tini Titánok ötlettel, ezért több lehetőséget is kipróbálnak.
czeTeen Titans Go!Marv Wolfman and George Pérez must pitch an idea for the new Teen Titans in 24 hours, so they brainstorm different concepts for the team.
sloTeen Titans Go!Marv Wolfman and George Pérez must pitch an idea for the new Teen Titans in 24 hours, so they brainstorm different concepts for the team.
19/0520h10>20h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok megtudják, hogy a T Toronynak voltak más tulajai is.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans are shocked to learn that the T Tower had previous owners.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans are shocked to learn that the T Tower had previous owners.
19/0520h20>20h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Cyborg és Gézengúz nem tud megegyezni, hogy ki a jobb karakter, Tom vagy Jerry, úgyhogy macska-egér játékba kezdenek.
czeTeen Titans Go!The best crossovers in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Peter Rida Michail,Luke Cormican,.
sloTeen Titans Go!The best crossovers in crime-fighting, Teen Titans Go adventures! Director: Peter Rida Michail,Luke Cormican,.
19/0520h35>20h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganMurph és Pici Jasper egyedül maradnak a Kívülállók MÓD-jában. Nekik kell elkergetniük Kage-t és Nillioust, akik megpróbálják ellopni az Arany evolúciót.
czeBakuganMurph and Lil Jasper are left alone in the Misfit Mod overnight and must fight off Kage and Nillious.
sloBakuganMurph and Lil Jasper are left alone in the Misfit Mod overnight and must fight off Kage and Nillious.
19/0520h40>21h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganGriffin és Trox képviselik a Kívülállókat a Dínó-klán elleni párbajban. Nem akarnak csalódást okozni, így kedvenc szuperhősükből merítenek ihletet.
czeBakuganGriffin and Trox represent the Misfit Clan in a brawl against the Dino Clan.
sloBakuganGriffin and Trox represent the Misfit Clan in a brawl against the Dino Clan.
19/0521h00>21h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin választ keres a létező legnagyobb kérdésre: mi az élet értelme?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAfter Gumball and Darwin have too much sugary cereal they begin thinking about the mysteries of the universe.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAfter Gumball and Darwin have too much sugary cereal they begin thinking about the mysteries of the universe.
19/0521h10>21h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBanán Barbara olyan jóslattal állt elő, amit Gumball egyszerűen nem fogadhat el.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball Darwin and Anais discover that Banana Joe's mom paints pictures which predict the future.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball Darwin and Anais discover that Banana Joe's mom paints pictures which predict the future.
19/0521h25>21h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin megnéz egy videót az egészségvédelemről és a biztonságról és túlzásba viszi a dolgokat.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Mr Small shows a health and safety video in class, Darwin becomes obsessed with the idea of keeping the Wattersons safe.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Mr Small shows a health and safety video in class, Darwin becomes obsessed with the idea of keeping the Wattersons safe.
19/0521h35>21h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin segít Anaisnek kitalálni egy elképzelt barátot, aki túlságosan valódinak bizonyul.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais throws a party but no-one shows up as she has no friends or social skills. 15 mins, (2015)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais throws a party but no-one shows up as she has no friends or social skills. 15 mins, (2015)
19/0521h55>22h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin segít Anaisnek kitalálni egy elképzelt barátot, aki túlságosan valódinak bizonyul.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais throws a party but no-one shows up as she has no friends or social skills. 15 mins, (2015)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais throws a party but no-one shows up as she has no friends or social skills. 15 mins, (2015)
19/0522h05>22h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballnak meggyőződése, hogy van egy titkos társaság az iskolában és ő is be akar kerülni.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThings aren't going Gumball's way at school so he assumes there must be a Secret Society...
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThings aren't going Gumball's way at school so he assumes there must be a Secret Society...
19/0522h20>22h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaÁt tud vészelni Gumball és Darwin egy egész hetet anélkül, hogy valaki tönkretenné a filmet, amit meg akarnak nézni?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin want to see the scariest film of the year. 15 mins, (2015)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin want to see the scariest film of the year. 15 mins, (2015)
19/0522h30>22h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin késésben van, de időben be kell érniük az iskolába, nehogy kicsapják őket.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin hit snooze too many times on their alarm clock and miss the school-bus.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin hit snooze too many times on their alarm clock and miss the school-bus.
19/0522h45>22h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin felfedezi, hogy van egy hívatlan vendég a házban.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThings keep going missing in the house so it's up to Gumball and Darwin to find the culprit. 15 mins, (2015)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThings keep going missing in the house so it's up to Gumball and Darwin to find the culprit. 15 mins, (2015)
19/0522h55>23h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballon eluralkodik a rosszkedv és kiderül, hogy ezt nehéz lerázni magáról. /Nicole előkelő viselkedésre kényszeríti a családját, hogy jó benyomást keltsen Anais játszótársában.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball refuses to get out of bed because he is in a lousy mood.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball refuses to get out of bed because he is in a lousy mood.
19/0523h10>23h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaNicole előkelő viselkedésre kényszeríti a családját, hogy jó benyomást keltsen Anais játszótársában.
czeThe Amazing World of Gumball- / Gumball refuses to get out of bed because he is in a lousy mood. / - / Nicole arranges a playdate for Anais with the son of a classy lady she met at the supermarket.
sloThe Amazing World of Gumball- / Gumball refuses to get out of bed because he is in a lousy mood. / - / Nicole arranges a playdate for Anais with the son of a classy lady she met at the supermarket.
19/0523h25>23h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball irigykedni kezd, amikor Darwin felfedezi a rejtett zenei tehetségét és talán nem ő az egyetlen.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin joins the school marching band, and his tin-whistle talent lands him the solo.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin joins the school marching band, and his tin-whistle talent lands him the solo.
19/0523h40>23h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaA Wattersonok kifogynak a pénzből és válaszútra kerülnek: vagy tönkremennek, vagy eladják magukat.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin joins the school marching band and his tin-whistle talent lands him the solo.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin joins the school marching band and his tin-whistle talent lands him the solo.
19/0523h50>00h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin azzal pörgeti fel a barátságát, hogy keresnek egy harmadik legjobb barátot.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin spice up their friendship by introducing a third best friend... / Gumball, Darwin and Carrie team up to convince their fellow students that the school is haunted.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin spice up their friendship by introducing a third best friend... / Gumball, Darwin and Carrie team up to convince their fellow students that the school is haunted.
20/0500h00>00h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaCsimpilla tanárnő elhatározza hogy "összebarátkozik" Gumballal csak hogy elnyerje a Kedvenc Tanár-díjat./ Gumball és Darwin szállást ad Mr. Robinsonnak és a végén még a házasságát is megmentik.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin give Mr Robinson a home and end up saving his marriage. 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin give Mr Robinson a home and end up saving his marriage. 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
20/0500h15>00h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin segít megmenteni Anais babáját Tina Rextől./ Gumball és Darwin tudtán kívül egy benzinkútrablás cinkosa lesz.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin help Anais rescue her doll from Tina Rex. / Gumball and Darwin are unwitting accomplices in a gas station robbery.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin help Anais rescue her doll from Tina Rex. / Gumball and Darwin are unwitting accomplices in a gas station robbery.
20/0500h25>00h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin tudtán kívül egy benzinkútrablás cinkosa lesz.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin help Anais rescue her doll from Tina Rex. / Gumball and Darwin are unwitting accomplices in a gas station robbery.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin help Anais rescue her doll from Tina Rex. / Gumball and Darwin are unwitting accomplices in a gas station robbery.
20/0500h40>00h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin véletlenül tönkreteszi Mr. Robinson új autóját... Valóban?
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally destroy Mr Robinson's new car or do they? / Gumball experiences an impossibly unfortunate chain of events.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally destroy Mr Robinson's new car or do they? / Gumball experiences an impossibly unfortunate chain of events.
20/0500h50>01h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin véletlenül tönkreteszi Mr. Robinson új autóját... Valóban?/ Gumball hihetetlen pechszériát él át.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally destroy Mr Robinson's new car or do they? / Gumball experiences an impossibly unfortunate chain of events.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally destroy Mr Robinson's new car or do they? / Gumball experiences an impossibly unfortunate chain of events.
20/0501h05>01h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin véletlenül létrehoz egy ennivaló szörnyet ami megeszi a családjukat./ Gumball kínos helyzetbe kerül amikor anya bemegy az iskolába hogy együtt töltsék az időt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally create a loveable monster that eats their family. / Gumball is embarrassed when Mum comes to school to spend some "quality time".
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally create a loveable monster that eats their family. / Gumball is embarrassed when Mum comes to school to spend some "quality time".
20/0501h20>01h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin véletlenül létrehoz egy ennivaló szörnyet ami megeszi a családjukat./ Gumball kínos helyzetbe kerül amikor anya bemegy az iskolába hogy együtt töltsék az időt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally create a loveable monster that eats their family. / Gumball is embarrassed when Mum comes to school to spend some "quality time".
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin accidentally create a loveable monster that eats their family. / Gumball is embarrassed when Mum comes to school to spend some "quality time".
20/0501h30>01h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball mágikus ezüstpapír-sisakja kis híján szétszakítja a Watterson családot./ Anais meg van győződve arról hogy Tina Rex bántja Gumballt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball's magic tinfoil helmet threatens to tear the Watterson family apart! 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball's magic tinfoil helmet threatens to tear the Watterson family apart! 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
20/0501h45>01h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnais meg van győződve arról, hogy Tina Rex bántja Gumballt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais is convinced that Gumball is being bullied by Tina Rex. 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais is convinced that Gumball is being bullied by Tina Rex. 45 mins, U (2011) (CC)
20/0501h55>02h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin arra a meggyőződésre jut, hogy 24 órán belül itt a világvége.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are convinced that the world will end in 24 hours.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are convinced that the world will end in 24 hours.
20/0502h05>02h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnais új barátra lel, ám Gumball és Darwin aggódik, hogy a cimbora kissé elnyomja őt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are reading Anais' diary when they discover that her relationship with her new friend seems a bit one-sided.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are reading Anais' diary when they discover that her relationship with her new friend seems a bit one-sided.
20/0502h15>02h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBobertet megfertőzi a szerelem.exe nevű vírus, ezért arra kéri Gumballt és Darwint, hogy definiálják neki a szerelem fogalmát.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Bobert finds he is infected with a virus called love.exe he asks Gumball and Darwin to give him a definition for the word 'love'.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Bobert finds he is infected with a virus called love.exe he asks Gumball and Darwin to give him a definition for the word 'love'.
20/0502h30>02h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin akármit megtesz, hogy segítsen Mollynak feldobni unalmas történeteit.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin spice up their friendship by introducing a third best friend... / Gumball, Darwin and Carrie team up to convince their fellow students that the school is haunted.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin spice up their friendship by introducing a third best friend... / Gumball, Darwin and Carrie team up to convince their fellow students that the school is haunted.
20/0502h40>02h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball mindig ugyanarra megy, mint a hotdogos srác, ami egyre kínosabbá válik.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is walking in the same direction as Hot Dog Guy, and with each step it becomes increasingly awkward. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is walking in the same direction as Hot Dog Guy, and with each step it becomes increasingly awkward. 15 mins, U (2011) (CC)
20/0502h50>03h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnais belép a hálószobába, ahol bűncselekmény történt: Csilla Csacsi eltűnt! Gumball és Darwin a legfőbb gyanúsítottak
czeThe Amazing World of GumballElmore residents are going missing, and the cause of these disappearances may be closer to home than Gumball and Darwin think.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballElmore residents are going missing, and the cause of these disappearances may be closer to home than Gumball and Darwin think.
20/0503h00>03h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin discover that Tobias is doing way better than them in an online game called Galatrek.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin discover that Tobias is doing way better than them in an online game called Galatrek.
20/0503h10>03h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAz Elmore Suli szülői munkaközössége betiltja a videojátékokat. A gyerekek igyekeznek meggyőzni a szülőket és a tanárokat, hogy a játékoknak nincsenek rossz hatásaik.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Rocky suggests that the Elmore Junior High kids skip school, the bus is boarded by criminals who seem to want to teach them the importance of school attendance.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Rocky suggests that the Elmore Junior High kids skip school, the bus is boarded by criminals who seem to want to teach them the importance of school attendance.
20/0503h25>03h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaHogy Mr. Small úgy érezhesse, inspiráló hatással van diákjaira, Gumball és Darwin igyekszik minden tanácsot megfogadni, amit Mr. Smalltól kap.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAs night falls in Elmore, the Moon takes us on a tour through the various dreams -- and nightmares -- of the town's slumbering inhabitants.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAs night falls in Elmore, the Moon takes us on a tour through the various dreams -- and nightmares -- of the town's slumbering inhabitants.
20/0503h35>03h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball már így is késésben van a Penny-vel való találkozójáról, de az út során rengeteg akadály lassítja őt. Gumball félreértette a randi helyszínét.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is late to meet Penny at the mall, but a series of misunderstandings on the way only delay him further.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is late to meet Penny at the mall, but a series of misunderstandings on the way only delay him further.
20/0503h45>03h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball be akarja bizonyítani Penny apjának, hogy méltó a lányához.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballCatch Gumball and Darwin as they embark on hilarious adventures! With funny pranks, friendship and laughter, there's never a dull moment in the world of the Wattersons!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballCatch Gumball and Darwin as they embark on hilarious adventures! With funny pranks, friendship and laughter, there's never a dull moment in the world of the Wattersons!
20/0503h55>04h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAz Elmore Suli szülői munkaközössége betiltja a videojátékokat. A gyerekek igyekeznek meggyőzni a szülőket és a tanárokat, hogy a játékoknak nincsenek rossz hatásaik.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballThe Parent Teacher Association of Elmore Junior High ban video games, so the kids try and prove that games aren't a bad influence.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballThe Parent Teacher Association of Elmore Junior High ban video games, so the kids try and prove that games aren't a bad influence.
20/0504h05>04h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnais belép a hálószobába, ahol bűncselekmény történt: Csilla Csacsi eltűnt! Gumball és Darwin a legfőbb gyanúsítottak...
czeThe Amazing World of GumballAnais arrives in the bedroom to find a messy crime-scene and her Daisy doll missing. She realises that Gumball and Darwin are the chief suspects.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballAnais arrives in the bedroom to find a messy crime-scene and her Daisy doll missing. She realises that Gumball and Darwin are the chief suspects.
20/0504h20>04h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaLouie papa ad egy csekket a Watterson gyerekeknek, akik összevitatkoznak azon, hogy mire költsék a pénzt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballA mysterious figure from Nicole's past shows up and challenges her to a fight, but the kids are surprised when she refuses.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballA mysterious figure from Nicole's past shows up and challenges her to a fight, but the kids are surprised when she refuses.
20/0504h30>04h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaEgymás után tűnnek el Elmore lakói és az eltűnések oka közelebb van Gumballhoz és Darwinhoz, mint hinnék.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballA compilation of some of the funniest, most bizarre clips uploaded onto the internet by the people of Elmore.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballA compilation of some of the funniest, most bizarre clips uploaded onto the internet by the people of Elmore.
20/0504h40>04h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwin eredettörténete arról, hogyan került Wattersonékhoz.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Rob purchases a universal remote from the Awesome Store, he discovers he can control the universe. He rewinds into the past and remembers Gumball had left him in The Void.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Rob purchases a universal remote from the Awesome Store, he discovers he can control the universe. He rewinds into the past and remembers Gumball had left him in The Void.
20/0504h50>05h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaBemutatjuk a Wattersonokat: Anyát, Apát, Anaist, Darwin és persze Gumballt, a 12 éves macskát, aki mágnesként vonzza a balszerencsét!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen we last saw Gumball he was hitting rewind on Rob's Universal Remote just in time to save himself from being trapped in The Void.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen we last saw Gumball he was hitting rewind on Rob's Universal Remote just in time to save himself from being trapped in The Void.
20/0505h00>05h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin akármit megtesz, hogy segítsen Mollynak feldobni unalmas történeteit.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballFed up with having to listen to Molly's long, tedious anecdotes, Gumball and Darwin try to teach her how to make them sound more exciting.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballFed up with having to listen to Molly's long, tedious anecdotes, Gumball and Darwin try to teach her how to make them sound more exciting.
20/0505h15>05h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAnais új barátra tesz szert, Gumball és Darwin pedig rögtön azt feltételezik, valami nincs vele rendben.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin put Anais' new friend, Josh, through a series of tests, to see if he's good enough for their sister.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin put Anais' new friend, Josh, through a series of tests, to see if he's good enough for their sister.
20/0505h25>05h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAz unatkozó Gumball és Darwin bejárják Elmore-t, miközben valami tennivalót keresnek.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are convinced it's a day when nothing interesting is happening. But as they walk around Elmore, it is apparent exciting things are happening just not to them.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are convinced it's a day when nothing interesting is happening. But as they walk around Elmore, it is apparent exciting things are happening just not to them.
20/0505h35>05h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballnak és Darwinnak meg kell akadályoznia, hogy Alan legyen az osztályelnök a suliban.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Gumball and Darwin accidentally find a sinister secret manifesto on Alan's memory stick, they decide they have to foil his plan for total world domination.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Gumball and Darwin accidentally find a sinister secret manifesto on Alan's memory stick, they decide they have to foil his plan for total world domination.
20/0505h45>06h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin rájön, hogy miért nem vált be apa fogyókúrája: mert egyszerre tíz diéta szerint étkezik és mindből végigeszik egy teljes étkezést.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballNicole remembers the day she first met Richard, and the different choices she could have made.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballNicole remembers the day she first met Richard, and the different choices she could have made.
20/0506h00>06h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig szerezni akar a nagyapjának egy kabócapáncélt, de úgy alakul, hogy Kelsey-vel és JP-vel benn ragadnak a rönkben.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig's determination to get his granddad a cicada shell causes him, Kelsey and JP to become trapped in their stump!
sloCraig of the CreekCraig's determination to get his granddad a cicada shell causes him, Kelsey and JP to become trapped in their stump!
20/0506h10>06h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és a barátai elindulnak, hogy csillagvirágot keressenek, de a patak egy új részével ismerkednek meg.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends travel to find honeysuckle in the creek but discover a whole new part of the creek.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends travel to find honeysuckle in the creek but discover a whole new part of the creek.
20/0506h25>06h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Látván, hogy milyen előnyökkel jár kapitánynak lenni, Szörnyi magának követeli a pozíciót.
czeTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
sloTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
20/0506h35>06h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Egy rosszul sikerült teleportálási kísérlet miatt a csapat elveszti a teste felső részét.
czeTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
sloTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
20/0506h50>07h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Ma van Csodanő 80. születésnapja, így a titánok a DC központjába mennek megünnepelni.
czeTeen Titans Go!It's Wonder Woman's 80th birthday, so the Titans head to DC Headquarters for the party.
sloTeen Titans Go!It's Wonder Woman's 80th birthday, so the Titans head to DC Headquarters for the party.
20/0507h00>07h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok ellátogatnak a Jump City Képregényfesztiválra, ahol találkoznak Marv Wolfmannel és George Pérezzel, de a Távirányító Urával is összeakasztják a bajszukat egy exkluzív játék miatt.
czeTeen Titans Go!The Titans visit the Jump City Comic Book Con where they meet Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, but also tangle with Control Freak over an exclusive toy.
sloTeen Titans Go!The Titans visit the Jump City Comic Book Con where they meet Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, but also tangle with Control Freak over an exclusive toy.
20/0507h20>07h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganMurph és Pici Jasper egyedül maradnak a Kívülállók MÓD-jában. Nekik kell elkergetniük Kage-t és Nillioust, akik megpróbálják ellopni az Arany evolúciót.
czeBakuganMurph and Lil Jasper are left alone in the Misfit Mod overnight and must fight off Kage and Nillious.
sloBakuganMurph and Lil Jasper are left alone in the Misfit Mod overnight and must fight off Kage and Nillious.
20/0507h30>07h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganGriffin és Trox képviselik a Kívülállókat a Dínó-klán elleni párbajban. Nem akarnak csalódást okozni, így kedvenc szuperhősükből merítenek ihletet.
czeBakuganGriffin and Trox represent the Misfit Clan in a brawl against the Dino Clan.
sloBakuganGriffin and Trox represent the Misfit Clan in a brawl against the Dino Clan.
20/0507h45>08h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemFülü rájön, hogy a Gügye Egyetem újságja megszűnt, ezért új folyóiratot indít Édikével. Vagány azonban egy pletykalappal beszáll a versenybe.
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBabs realizes Acme Loo's school paper has closed so she starts a new one with her pal Sweetie. But when Plucky starts a gossipy tabloid to compete against them, which paper will come out on top?
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBabs realizes Acme Loo's school paper has closed so she starts a new one with her pal Sweetie. But when Plucky starts a gossipy tabloid to compete against them, which paper will come out on top?
20/0508h15>08h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaSzerelem árad a levegőben és Gumball egy érzelmi hurrikán kellős közepébe kerül: szó szerint!
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball destroys Alan and Carmen's relationship and has to reunite them. / Darwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball destroys Alan and Carmen's relationship and has to reunite them. / Darwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
20/0508h25>08h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball azzal vádolja Darwint, hogy álmában megcsókolta Pennyt, így a helyzet azzal fenyeget, hogy megszakad a barátságuk. Az álom okozta problémát csak egy álomvilágban lehet megoldani.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin kisses Penny in one of Gumball's dreams and gets mad.
20/0508h35>08h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaEgy küldetés során, amikor egy kölcsönadott videojátékot szereznek vissza, Darwin arra kezd gyanakodni, hogy csapdába került: örökre másodhegedűs marad Gumball mellett.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to get a game back from Tobias, but Darwin starts to feel like a sidekick to Gumball and refuses to follow his orders.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin try to get a game back from Tobias, but Darwin starts to feel like a sidekick to Gumball and refuses to follow his orders.
20/0508h55>09h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Üdvözöljük Jellystone bájos városában, ahol a kedvenc Hanna-Barbera szereplői élnek, dolgoznak, és játszanak
czeJellystone!Augie embarks on a epic journey through the grocery store while Doggy Daddy frantically waits for her in line. / Doggie Daddy disguises Augie as a grown-up so he can bring her to bowling night.
sloJellystone!Augie embarks on a epic journey through the grocery store while Doggy Daddy frantically waits for her in line. / Doggie Daddy disguises Augie as a grown-up so he can bring her to bowling night.
20/0509h05>09h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Cindy elfelejti elolvasni a könyvet a könyvklubra és hogy időt nyerjen magának, mindenkit zselévé változtat.
czeJellystone!Cindy comes up with a novel way to get more time to get everything done. / When Magilla gets amnesia, Jabberjaw sees an opportunity to finally get her dream job.
sloJellystone!Cindy comes up with a novel way to get more time to get everything done. / When Magilla gets amnesia, Jabberjaw sees an opportunity to finally get her dream job.
20/0509h20>09h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Főmacska és bandája elveszítik az utcai táncversenyt. Amikor a szokásos átverésekkel sem sikerül visszanyerni régi lakhelyüket, kénytelenek dolgozni.
czeJellystone!In order to save their alley, Top Cat and his gang are forced into a dance battle. / Augie embarks on a epic journey through the grocery store while Doggy Daddy frantically waits for her in line.
sloJellystone!In order to save their alley, Top Cat and his gang are forced into a dance battle. / Augie embarks on a epic journey through the grocery store while Doggy Daddy frantically waits for her in line.
20/0509h30>09h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Shag Rugg VIP-zónát hoz létre a Mug kávézóban és hogy fényűző módon élhessen, elkölti a kávézó bevételét. Csődbe mennek, ezért kénytelen kölcsönt felvenni egy uzsorástól, ami nagy hibának bizonyul.
czeJellystone!Shag Rugg makes a VIP section in his family's Café to live his baller life style. / Cindy comes up with a novel way to get more time to get everything done.
sloJellystone!Shag Rugg makes a VIP section in his family's Café to live his baller life style. / Cindy comes up with a novel way to get more time to get everything done.
20/0509h50>10h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokEgy lázadó cowboy tűnik fel a Lovas Lányok rétjén és felfordulást okoz az erdőben.
czeCraig of the CreekA rebellious Cow-Boy moseys into the Horse Girl Meadow, and causes a ruckus in the Creek.
sloCraig of the CreekA rebellious Cow-Boy moseys into the Horse Girl Meadow, and causes a ruckus in the Creek.
20/0510h00>10h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig megpróbálja összehozni az erdő leggyorsabb gyerekeit és versenyt robbant ki a Kerekesek és a Korisok között.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig tries to bring together the fastest kids in the Creek, and accidentally creates a rivalry between the 10 Speeds and the Roller Derby Kids.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig tries to bring together the fastest kids in the Creek, and accidentally creates a rivalry between the 10 Speeds and the Roller Derby Kids.
20/0510h10>10h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
sloCraig of the CreekGrab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
20/0510h25>10h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends get the first ever tour of the Slime Kids Slime Factory.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends get the first ever tour of the Slime Kids Slime Factory.
20/0510h35>10h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és a Tündöklő lány összehpznak egy együttest, hogy elbúcsúzhasson egy régi barátjától.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and Sparkle Cadet put together a band to sing a goodbye to a long lost friend.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and Sparkle Cadet put together a band to sing a goodbye to a long lost friend.
20/0510h55>11h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig és barátai egy barlangba jutnak, miközben az Erdő Szívét keresik, és valami sokkal gonoszabbra bukkannak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends venture into an ancient cavern in their quest for the Heart of the Forest, and find something far more sinister.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends venture into an ancient cavern in their quest for the Heart of the Forest, and find something far more sinister.
20/0511h05>11h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig goes to extreme lengths to keep up with the fall fashion trends.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig goes to extreme lengths to keep up with the fall fashion trends.
20/0511h20>11h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Látván, hogy milyen előnyökkel jár kapitánynak lenni, Szörnyi magának követeli a pozíciót.
czeTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
sloTeen Titans Go!Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position which worries the rest of the crew.
20/0511h30>11h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Egy rosszul sikerült teleportálási kísérlet miatt a csapat elveszti a teste felső részét.
czeTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
sloTeen Titans Go!A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.
20/0511h45>11h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok nappalijában megjelenik egy rejtélyes báb, Gézengúznak pedig nyoma vész
czeTeen Titans Go!A giant cocoon mysteriously appears in the Titans' living room and no one can find Beast Boy. / Tired of Robin's bland cooking the other Titans try their hand at spicing up their food.
sloTeen Titans Go!A giant cocoon mysteriously appears in the Titans' living room and no one can find Beast Boy. / Tired of Robin's bland cooking the other Titans try their hand at spicing up their food.
20/0511h55>12h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Amikor a Titánok ráunnak Robin unalmas kajáira, megpróbálják megbolondítani az ételeiket egy kis fűszerrel.
czeTeen Titans Go!A giant cocoon mysteriously appears in the Titans' living room and no one can find Beast Boy. / Tired of Robin's bland cooking the other Titans try their hand at spicing up their food.
sloTeen Titans Go!A giant cocoon mysteriously appears in the Titans' living room and no one can find Beast Boy. / Tired of Robin's bland cooking the other Titans try their hand at spicing up their food.
20/0512h10>12h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!A Titánok nem mehetnek ki a szabadba a rossz idő miatt, ezért benti játékokat játszanak, miután Robin meggyőzi őket, hogy ezzel felvidíthatják a felhőket, amitől elállna az eső.
czeTeen Titans Go!Stuck inside because of bad weather, the Titans play rainy day games after Robin convinces them that indoor activities will cheer up the clouds and make the rain stop.
sloTeen Titans Go!Stuck inside because of bad weather, the Titans play rainy day games after Robin convinces them that indoor activities will cheer up the clouds and make the rain stop.
20/0512h20>12h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Robin úgy dönt, hogy többé nem ad utasításokat a Titánoknak, hogy elkezdjenek maguktól gondolkozni, akik inkább szerencsesütikre bízzák, hogy mit tegyenek.
czeTeen Titans Go!Robin refuses to give the Titans any more orders so that they'll learn to think for themselves. Instead, the Titans start taking their cues from fortune cookies.
sloTeen Titans Go!Robin refuses to give the Titans any more orders so that they'll learn to think for themselves. Instead, the Titans start taking their cues from fortune cookies.
20/0512h35>12h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10The Weatherheads set their sights on Winter Wonderland as their next target and Ben must become one with his emotion if he is to save the town.
sloBen 10The Weatherheads set their sights on Winter Wonderland as their next target and Ben must become one with his emotion if he is to save the town.
20/0512h45>13h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben and Max get into a heated argument, and Ben needs to blow off some serious steam afterwards... but is that wise?
sloBen 10Ben and Max get into a heated argument, and Ben needs to blow off some serious steam afterwards... but is that wise?
20/0513h05>13h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben stumbles across a video online that shows how Cannonbolt disassembles a computer lab, and he realises what it means!
sloBen 10Ben stumbles across a video online that shows how Cannonbolt disassembles a computer lab, and he realises what it means!
20/0513h15>13h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10When a forest fire interrupts their fun, Team Tennyson must hurry if they are to save the bird population and discover who is behind the growing fire: Hex!
sloBen 10When a forest fire interrupts their fun, Team Tennyson must hurry if they are to save the bird population and discover who is behind the growing fire: Hex!
20/0513h30>14h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunNinjago: Sárkányok birodalmaEgy évvel az "Egyesülés" után Arin, a nindzsa rajongó és barátja, Sora mindent kockára tesz, hogy megmentsen egy kissárkányt, Riyu-t, akire vadásznak.
czeNinjago: Dragons RisingOne year after "The Merge," Ninja-fan Arin and his friend, Sora, risk everything to save the life of a hunted young dragon named Riyu.
sloNinjago: Dragons RisingOne year after "The Merge," Ninja-fan Arin and his friend, Sora, risk everything to save the life of a hunted young dragon named Riyu.
20/0514h05>14h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokJessicát elvarázsolja a Cserepiac és Kit ravaszsága, ezért a gyakornokává szegődik.
czeCraig of the CreekEntranced with the Trading Tree and Kit's business acumen, Jessica joins Kit as her intern!
sloCraig of the CreekEntranced with the Trading Tree and Kit's business acumen, Jessica joins Kit as her intern!
20/0514h15>14h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Szerezd meg a zászlót csata véget ért. Craig visszatér az erdőbe és reméli, hogy elismerést kap hősiességéért, de ehelyett új kalandot talál.
czeCraig of the CreekAnimated comedy following the adventures of Craig and his two friends Kelsey and JP as they explore the wilderness of the creek together.
sloCraig of the CreekAnimated comedy following the adventures of Craig and his two friends Kelsey and JP as they explore the wilderness of the creek together.
20/0514h30>14h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig felajánlja segítségét a Csatorna Királynőjének és eljátssza, hogy az úszó csapat tagja.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig offers to help the Sewer Queen by going undercover as a member of the swim team.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig offers to help the Sewer Queen by going undercover as a member of the swim team.
20/0514h40>14h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends find themselves entering a cooking battle for a piece of the cube.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig and his friends find themselves entering a cooking battle for a piece of the cube.
20/0514h55>15h15 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemA tanegységek közül Öcsi és Édike a futball mellett döntenek, Fülü és Vagány a Bevezetés az Üllők tudományába órát választják. Visonka döntésképtelen-
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBuster and Sweetie join the Tooney Ball team during Electives Week while Babs and Plucky tackle the basics in Anvils 101, leaving Hamton on a journey to fix his indecisiveness.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBuster and Sweetie join the Tooney Ball team during Electives Week while Babs and Plucky tackle the basics in Anvils 101, leaving Hamton on a journey to fix his indecisiveness.
20/0515h15>15h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputDoc Specs tries to goose his numbers by turning in a counterfeit Lamput, made out of ping pong balls and a jar of marmalade. Director: Anand Babu,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
sloLamputDoc Specs tries to goose his numbers by turning in a counterfeit Lamput, made out of ping pong balls and a jar of marmalade. Director: Anand Babu,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
20/0515h25>15h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Csillagfény és csapata segítenek a Fogtündérnek, hogy essen ki egy fog.
czeTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew play Tooth Fairy for the Tooth Fairy.
sloTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew play Tooth Fairy for the Tooth Fairy.
20/0515h35>15h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Csillagfény és legénysége Tamaránra érkezik, mert meg kell akadályozniuk, hogy Feketetűz, hozzáférjen egy nagyerejű koronához.
czeTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew go on a dangerous mission to prevent Blackfire from acquiring a powerful Tamaranean relic.
sloTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew go on a dangerous mission to prevent Blackfire from acquiring a powerful Tamaranean relic.
20/0515h55>16h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Batmannek el kell mennie bevásárolni Alfreddel, de megszökik, hogy tévét nézhessen Gordon főfelügyelővel.
czeTeen Titans Go!Batman is forced to go to the department store with Alfred, but runs off to watch TV with Commissioner Gordon. / Robin decides to become a cat so that Starfire will finally love him.
sloTeen Titans Go!Batman is forced to go to the department store with Alfred, but runs off to watch TV with Commissioner Gordon. / Robin decides to become a cat so that Starfire will finally love him.
20/0516h05>16h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Robin szerint jobb szuperhősök azok, akik ismerik a gyengeségeiket, ezért Csillagfény felkerekedik, hogy kiderítse, mi az övé.
czeTeen Titans Go!When Robin explains that knowing your weakness makes you a better superhero, Starfire journeys to find hers.
sloTeen Titans Go!When Robin explains that knowing your weakness makes you a better superhero, Starfire journeys to find hers.
20/0516h20>16h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Jellystone versenybe száll a rivális várossal, New Bedrockkal.
czeJellystone!Jellystone goes head to head in a competition against their rival town, New Bedrock.
sloJellystone!Jellystone goes head to head in a competition against their rival town, New Bedrock.
20/0516h30>16h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Maci Laci és Bubu egy régi, elhagyatott vidámparkban lógnak a munkából, ahol néhány kotnyeles gyerek szörnyeknek nézi őket.
czeJellystone!Yogi and Boo Boo play hooky from work at an old, abandoned fun park where some meddling kids mistake them for monsters.
sloJellystone!Yogi and Boo Boo play hooky from work at an old, abandoned fun park where some meddling kids mistake them for monsters.
20/0516h45>16h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Cindy, Jabberjaw és Squiddly versenyeznek a "legjobb barát" címért Jellystone-ban.
czeJellystone!Cindy, Jabberjaw, and Squiddly compete for the title of "best friend" in Jellystone.
sloJellystone!Cindy, Jabberjaw, and Squiddly compete for the title of "best friend" in Jellystone.
20/0516h55>17h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunJellystone!Shag felbérel egy csapat nyomozót, hogy megtalálják a csodákban való, elvesztett gyermekkori hitét.
czeJellystone!Shag hires a bunch of detectives to find his lost sense of childhood wonder.
sloJellystone!Shag hires a bunch of detectives to find his lost sense of childhood wonder.
20/0517h05>17h15 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunA daliás Ivandoe herceg kalandjaiIvandoe-t és Bertet foglyul ejti egy erdei túlélő, aki nem más... mint egy rózsazsín pudli. Bert rájön, hogy csakis akkor menekülhetnek meg, hogyha a pudlit kiskutyaként kezelik.
czeThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince IvandoeIvandoe and Bert get captured and tied up by a very intense forest survivalist who happens to be . a pink poodle. Bert figures out a way to escape using the poodle's canine instincts
sloThe Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince IvandoeIvandoe and Bert get captured and tied up by a very intense forest survivalist who happens to be . a pink poodle. Bert figures out a way to escape using the poodle's canine instincts
20/0517h15>17h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunNinjago: Sárkányok birodalmaEgy évvel az "Egyesülés" után Arin, a nindzsa rajongó és barátja, Sora mindent kockára tesz, hogy megmentsen egy kissárkányt, Riyu-t, akire vadásznak.
czeNinjago: Dragons RisingOne year after "The Merge," Ninja-fan Arin and his friend, Sora, risk everything to save the life of a hunted young dragon named Riyu.
sloNinjago: Dragons RisingOne year after "The Merge," Ninja-fan Arin and his friend, Sora, risk everything to save the life of a hunted young dragon named Riyu.
20/0517h45>17h55 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraignél vészhelyzet van és magára kell hagynia Kelsey-t.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig has an emergency to take care of, leaving Kelsey all alone at the Stump.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig has an emergency to take care of, leaving Kelsey all alone at the Stump.
20/0517h55>18h05 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokA Vadócok című sorozat Craigről és legjobb barátairól, Kelsey-ről és JP-ről szól, akik a külvárosi vadonban, a Völgyben kalandoznak.
czeCraig of the CreekWhen a pillar of the Creek community leaves, our trio mourns their loss by remembering the good times.
sloCraig of the CreekWhen a pillar of the Creek community leaves, our trio mourns their loss by remembering the good times.
20/0518h05>18h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokEgy szörnyen sikerült hajvágás miatt Craig álcázni kényszerül magát az erdőben.
czeCraig of the CreekA terrible haircut forces Craig to go undercover at the Creek.
sloCraig of the CreekA terrible haircut forces Craig to go undercover at the Creek.
20/0518h20>18h30 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokAmikor az időmérő eltűnik Craig és barátai ügyelnek arra hogy a gyerekek időben hazaérjenek vacsorára.
czeCraig of the CreekWhen the Time Keeper goes missing, Craig and his friends take up the task of helping kids get home in time for dinner. Director: Stu Livingston.
sloCraig of the CreekWhen the Time Keeper goes missing, Craig and his friends take up the task of helping kids get home in time for dinner. Director: Stu Livingston.
20/0518h30>18h50 (0x55) cartoons
hunVadócokCraig megtudja hogy a csillagvirág csapat átlopózott az erdőnek erre a felére hogy ellopják annak legértékesebb kincsét.
czeCraig of the CreekCraig discovers that the Honeysuckle Rangers have snuck into his side of the Creek to steal his most prized possession.
sloCraig of the CreekCraig discovers that the Honeysuckle Rangers have snuck into his side of the Creek to steal his most prized possession.
20/0518h50>19h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10In Aspen, Colorado, Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max are on a hike to find the Forgeti. Ben must battle Billy-with an assist from the Forgeti itself.
sloBen 10In Aspen, Colorado, Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max are on a hike to find the Forgeti. Ben must battle Billy-with an assist from the Forgeti itself.
20/0519h00>19h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Ben hops into the Rustbuggy for a driving lesson along the sand dunes of Cape Cod.
sloBen 10Ben hops into the Rustbuggy for a driving lesson along the sand dunes of Cape Cod.
20/0519h10>19h25 (0x55) cartoons
hunBen 10A tízéves Ben Tysson váratlanul felfedezi csuklóján az Omnitrixet. Ez a furcsa szerkezet egy génfegyver, ami ideiglenesen tíz különböző idegen testbe tudja bújtatni Bent.
czeBen 10Get ready for awesome action adventures with Humungosaur! Taking out villains is all part of the fun for this hero. His mission - to save the day!
sloBen 10Get ready for awesome action adventures with Humungosaur! Taking out villains is all part of the fun for this hero. His mission - to save the day!
20/0519h25>19h45 (0x55) cartoons
hunPöttöm kalandok: GügyeegyetemA tanegységek közül Öcsi és Édike a futball mellett döntenek, Fülü és Vagány a Bevezetés az Üllők tudományába órát választják. Visonka döntésképtelen-
czeTiny Toons LooniversityBuster and Sweetie join the Tooney Ball team during Electives Week while Babs and Plucky tackle the basics in Anvils 101, leaving Hamton on a journey to fix his indecisiveness.
sloTiny Toons LooniversityBuster and Sweetie join the Tooney Ball team during Electives Week while Babs and Plucky tackle the basics in Anvils 101, leaving Hamton on a journey to fix his indecisiveness.
20/0519h45>20h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunLamputLamput az évszázad tudományos áttörése, egy érző szuperpaca, ami bármivé át tud alakulni. Szemcsi és Sovány, a "dokik", Lamput szerencsétlenkedő feltalálói, akik késégbeesetten üldözik az elszánt szökevényt, nyaktörő h
czeLamputDoc Specs tries to goose his numbers by turning in a counterfeit Lamput, made out of ping pong balls and a jar of marmalade. Director: Anand Babu,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
sloLamputDoc Specs tries to goose his numbers by turning in a counterfeit Lamput, made out of ping pong balls and a jar of marmalade. Director: Anand Babu,Vaibhav Kumaresh,.
20/0520h00>20h10 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Csillagfény és csapata segítenek a Fogtündérnek, hogy essen ki egy fog.
czeTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew play Tooth Fairy for the Tooth Fairy.
sloTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew play Tooth Fairy for the Tooth Fairy.
20/0520h10>20h20 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Csillagfény és legénysége Tamaránra érkezik, mert meg kell akadályozniuk, hogy Feketetűz, hozzáférjen egy nagyerejű koronához.
czeTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew go on a dangerous mission to prevent Blackfire from acquiring a powerful Tamaranean relic.
sloTeen Titans Go!Starfire and her crew go on a dangerous mission to prevent Blackfire from acquiring a powerful Tamaranean relic.
20/0520h20>20h35 (0x55) cartoons
hunTini titánok, harcra fel!Ma van Csodanő 80. születésnapja, így a titánok a DC központjába mennek megünnepelni.
czeTeen Titans Go!It's Wonder Woman's 80th birthday, so the Titans head to DC Headquarters for the party.
sloTeen Titans Go!It's Wonder Woman's 80th birthday, so the Titans head to DC Headquarters for the party.
20/0520h35>20h40 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganDanből viccet csinálnak egy corndogos videóval, ami az engedélye nélkül került a netre. Drago megpróbálja megakadályozni, hogy Dan lássa a videót, amíg a többiek töröltetik azt.
czeBakuganDan becomes a viral joke after a corndog-themed video made without his permission leaks.
sloBakuganDan becomes a viral joke after a corndog-themed video made without his permission leaks.
20/0520h40>21h00 (0x55) cartoons
hunBakuganRossz hírük és Nillious szervezkedése miatt elkeseredve a Kívülállók a Vízi-klánnal akarnak szövetségre lépni.
czeBakuganFrustrated by their reputation and Nillious conspiring against them, the Misfit Clan looks to form an alliance with the Aquatic Clan.
sloBakuganFrustrated by their reputation and Nillious conspiring against them, the Misfit Clan looks to form an alliance with the Aquatic Clan.
20/0521h00>21h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballt traumatikus élmény éri, amikor JoJo nagyi szájon csókolja.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is traumatised when accidentally kissed on the mouth by his Grandma JoJo.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball is traumatised when accidentally kissed on the mouth by his Grandma JoJo.
20/0521h10>21h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballt és Darwint buliba hívják, és vinni kell a barátnőjüket is.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are invited to a high school party and have to bring a date!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are invited to a high school party and have to bring a date!
20/0521h25>21h35 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumballt és Darwint buliba hívják és vinni kell a barátnőjüket is./ Gumball és Darwin sikertelenül próbálja visszaszerezni a számítógépes játékuk árát.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin unsuccessfully attempt to get a refund for their computer game.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin unsuccessfully attempt to get a refund for their computer game.
20/0521h35>21h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball rájön hogy Bobert arra készül hogy elvegye a személyiségét és átvegye a helyét./ Gumball és Darwin hajszál híján nem éli túl az osztálykirándulást a Végzet Erdejében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball discovers that Bobert is planning to take over his identity and replace him!
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball discovers that Bobert is planning to take over his identity and replace him!
20/0521h55>22h05 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball rájön hogy Bobert arra készül hogy elvegye a személyiségét és átvegye a helyét./ Gumball és Darwin hajszál híján nem éli túl az osztálykirándulást a Végzet Erdejében.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin barely survive a school picnic in the Forest of Doom.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin barely survive a school picnic in the Forest of Doom.
20/0522h05>22h20 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball úgy próbálja apát visszahódítani, hogy megnyeri a szembekötős butasági versenyt.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball sets out to win his Dad back by winning a blindfolded "dumb" race.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball sets out to win his Dad back by winning a blindfolded "dumb" race.
20/0522h20>22h30 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball majd' eszét veszti, hogy kitalálja Darwin titkát.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball almost loses his mind trying to guess Darwin's secret.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball almost loses his mind trying to guess Darwin's secret.
20/0522h30>22h45 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin ellentmondásos leckéket kap az iskolapszichológustól az őszinteség kérdéséről./ Darwint elküldik egy intézetbe amit a kormány tart fenn zsenik számára. Igen. Tényleg.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are taught confusing lessons about honesty by the school councillor.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin are taught confusing lessons about honesty by the school councillor.
20/0522h45>22h55 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaDarwint elküldik egy intézetbe, amit a kormány tart fenn zsenik számára. Igen. Tényleg.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin is sent away to a government institute for geniuses. Yes. Really.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballDarwin is sent away to a government institute for geniuses. Yes. Really.
20/0522h55>23h10 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball és Darwin álma hirtelen valódra válik: felnőtté válnak./ Gumball kemény lecke árán tanulja meg mi a különbség egy randevú és egy háziállat temetése között.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's wish comes true when they suddenly turn into men.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin's wish comes true when they suddenly turn into men.
20/0523h10>23h25 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaGumball kemény lecke árán tanulja meg, mi a különbség egy randevú és egy háziállat temetése között.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball discovers the difference between a "date" and a "pet's funeral"...the hard way.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball discovers the difference between a "date" and a "pet's funeral"...the hard way.
20/0523h25>23h40 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Gumball visszautasítja a Selejt Klubot, a selejt bosszút áll.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Gumball rejects "The Rejects Club" the rejects wreak their revenge.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballWhen Gumball rejects "The Rejects Club" the rejects wreak their revenge.
20/0523h40>23h50 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaAmikor Gumball visszautasítja a Selejt Klubot a selejt bosszút áll./ Gumball és Darwin elhiteti apával hogy a varázslat igenis létezik.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin make their Dad believe in magic again.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballGumball and Darwin make their Dad believe in magic again.
20/0523h50>00h00 (0x50) children's
youth programmes
hunGumball csodálatos világaCsimpilla tanárnő elhatározza, hogy "összebarátkozik" Gumballal, csak hogy elnyerje a Kedvenc Tanár-díjat.
czeThe Amazing World of GumballMs Simian sets out to "befriend" Gumball in order to win a Favourite Teacher Award.
sloThe Amazing World of GumballMs Simian sets out to "befriend" Gumball in order to win a Favourite Teacher Award.